Lab Equipment
Lab Safety
Steps of Scientifc Method
Controls & Variables
Random Choice

What piece of lab equipment would you use to HEAT something up in the lab?

A hot plate or a bunsen burner


Name 3 different pieces of personal protective gear that a student could wear during a lab

Safety goggles, gloves, lab jacket or coat


If people drink 4 alcoholic drinks, then they are more likely to crash when driving. This is an example of what step of the scientific method?

What is a Hypothesis?

Which variable is the one the experimenter can manipulate in an experiment?
The Independent Variable

What is a pipette used for?

transferring drops of liquids


Name a piece of equipment used for grasping and holding small objects (to transfer from one container to another).

Forceps (tweezers)


What should you do and not do after handling chemicals during a lab?

Wash you hands after lab/ Avoiding touching your face/eyes


At the end of an experiment you write a statement to either accept or refute your hypothesis. What step of the scientific method is this?

What is the conclusion?


100 men were divided into 2 groups of 50 to test a new product...Beard Be Gone. It is supposed to remove hair without having to shave. Group 1 was given Beard Be Gone and Group 2 was given regular shaving cream. They were to use the product everyday for 1 week. What is the control group in this experiment?

Group 2 - the group that used the regular shaving cream.


When heating a test tube filled with a chemical solution, in which direction should the test tube be pointing?

The opening of the test tube should be pointed away from your face or away from you.


What is something that we use to measure liquids in the lab?

*Graduated Cylinder (Beaker or Erlenmeyer flask)


How would you correctly smell an unknown chemical in the lab?

Wafting method (wave one's hand across the opening of the container)

In an experiment besides the Independent Variable, all the other factors must be the same for all the group you test. These other factors are known as what in the experiment?
The Constants or The Controlled Factors

3,000 people were divided into 3 groups to see how exercising affects pulse rate. Group 1 did no exercise for 10 minutes. Group 2 did a mild exercise (walking) for 10 minutes. Group 3 did strenous exercise for 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes, everyone's pulse rate was recorded. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

Average pulse rate of each person.


If you bake tater tots at a higher temperature then they will come out crispier. This is an example of a...



When you need to measure the weight of something in our lab, what piece of equipment will you use?

A triple beam balance


Your lab partner reaches across the flame (bunsen burner) to get his pencil. His shirt sleeve catches on fire. What should he do?

Smother out with fire blanket or stop, drop, and roll

What is the standard of comparison in an experiment called?
The Control (group)

Harold wants to know eating breakfast helps you do better on a test. He gets 10 friends who take science with him to do an experiment. 5 friends eat breakfast before their science test and 5 do not. After the test Harold records all their grades. What is the independent variable in this experiment?

Eating breakfast


Extra (the gum) has a new longer lasting gum flavor. They tested it out on 10,000 people. Half were given the new longer lasting flavor gum and half were given the original. They were asked to let the experimenters know when their gum no longer had flavor. What is the dependent variable?

Length of time gum flavor lasts.


When you use a microscope, what is the cover slip used for?

To cover the specimen on the slide before you put it on the microscope. (or Wet Mount)


What do you do if you cut yourself on a broken piece of glassware?

Let your teacher know so you can go to the nurse, Rinse under water and Apply pressure


What are the trials in an experiment?

The number of times you repeat the experiment.


Jody has itchy feet. Her friend Beth tells her soaking her feet in salt water will help. Her friend Mary tells her putting lotion on each night with socks will help. Jody decides to do an experiment and try both remedies. After 1 week her feet don't itch anymore. Jody decides both remedies worked. What is wrong with Jody's conclusion?

She tested both rememdies at the same time so there is no way to know if both really worked, or just one of them.


If you are making a graph which axis does the Independent Variable go on (X or Y) and which axis does the Dependent Variable go on (X or Y)?

Independent Variable - X; Dependent Variable - Y