Steps of the Scientific Method
Anything Goes
Identify the Variable

A prediction or statement made based on observations that can be tested.



Susan said, "If I fertilize my geranium plants with Miracle Grow, then they will blossom.  What step is this?

Construct a Hypothesis


Nick wanted to see how high an ice cube floated in different temperatures of water. What is his DEPENDENT variable?

The height of the ice cube in water


If the temperature of a cup of water was raised, then it will increase the amount of salt that dissolves in the water.  What step of the scientific method is this? 

Forming a hypothesis.


A group of students conducted an experiment with a ramp and a marble.  They wanted to see how the height of the ramp affected the distance the marble rolled.  What is the DEPENDENT Variable?

The distance the marble travelled.

Variable that is kept the same through an experiment



Alice soaked 6 different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours. Then she planted the seeds in soil at a depth of 1cm.  She used the same amount of water, light and heat for each kind of seed. What step is this?

Testing her hypothesis or conducting the experiment


Tiffany was investigating how fast it took Rebecca to react to different sounds.  What is the INDEPENDENT variable?

The different sounds


Question: Does change in temperature lead to changes in the color of leaves? 

Is this a SCIENTIFIC question?



Karl wanted to know which pesticide was more effective at killing bugs on potato plants. 2 plants were treated with 2 different pesticides and the third plant was treated with no pesticides.  What is the INDEPENDENT Variable?

The type of pesticides.


The one thing being tested in an experiment that the experimenter changes on purpose

Independent Variable


Michael experimented with the diets of guinea pigs.  Based on his data, he found that guinea pigs and vitamin C and protein in thier diets.  What step is this? 

Drawing a Conclusion


Karl wanted to know which pesticide was more effective at killing bugs on potato plants. 2 plants were treated with 2 different pesticides and the third plant was treated with no pesticides.  What is the CONTROL GROUP?

The plants with no pesticides.


Question: Does eating an apple make me smarter?

Is this a TESTABLE question?  

No, it needs to be more specific as to what they will be testing.

"Does eating an apple before an exam improve my test score?"


Scott said, "If acid rain affects plants in a particular lake, then it will affect small animals, such as crayfish, that live in the same water." What is the DEPENDENT variable?  

How the rain effects the small animals


What is being measured in an experiment and is the result of being tested

Dependent Variable


Jose saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, "How do bats find insects after dark?" What step is this?

Ask a Question


A group of students conducted an experiment with a ramp and a marble.  They wanted to see how the height of the ramp affected the distance the marble rolled.  What is the INDEPENDENT variable?

The height of the ramp. 


Why should a scientist conduct multiple trials on an experiment?

The results will be more accurate and more reliable.


If the temperature of a cup of water was raised, then it will increase the amount of salt that dissolves in the water.  Identify the INDEPENDENT variable.

The temperature of the water.

A sample that is being treated exactly like what is being tested except nothing is applied to it

Control Group

Scott said, "If acid rain affects plants in a particular lake, then it will affect small animals, such as crayfish, that live in the same water." What step is this? 

Form a Hypothesis


Katie thinks different types of paper affects how far a paper airplane can fly.  She makes several airplanes out of different types of paper to test out her hypothesis. What is a CONSTANT for her experiment?

The same type of paper airplane fold. 


List the steps of the Scientific Method in order.

1) Ask a Question

2)Research the Topic

3) Form a hypothesis

4) Test the hypothesis/ Do experiment

5) Analyze your results

6) Draw conclusions

7) Publish results


Question: Does change in temperature lead to changes in the color of leaves? Identify the INDEPENDENT and DEPENDENT variable.

INDEPENDENT: Change in temperature

DEPENDENT: The color of leaves