Testable Questions
Variables continued
Planning investigations, Collecting data, and communicating results
Testable or not? How does increasing the slope of a ramp affect how far a marble travels?
What is testable
Can we write a hypothesis if the question is not testable? Why or why not?
What is no because we cannot identify the variables
What is a variable?
What is a factor that is changed
True or false: Controlled variables are the factors and conditions that we keep the same throughout our investigations/experiments
What is true.
What is data?
What is the results of your experiment.
Why is this a testable question? Does kelp grow faster during the day or night?
What is: it is specific, can be measure, and only has one variable
what do scientists need to identify before correctly writing a hypothesis?
What is variables
What are controlled variables?
What is factors that are kept the same all throughout our investigation
true or false: The dependent variable is the factor that we're changing and is being tested.
What is false. The independent variable is the factor that we change and test in our experiments.
Why do we collect data?
What is to keep our results organized and to look for patterns and trends.
Testable or not? If it's not how could we change it? What was the most favorite flavor among consumers at yogurt hill in 2014?
What is not testable because it contains the word favorite and favorite is an opinion word.
What is the definition of a hypothesis?
What is an educated guess regarding the results of a future investigation
What is an independent variable?
What is the factor that we are changing and testing in our experiment
What is the independent variable in the following question? Does changing the wing shape to make it more narrow affect the distance a paper airplane will fly?
What is changing wing shape - making it more narrow
What is an experiment and what does it show?
What is a fair test that show cause and effect relationships
Is this question testable or not? Why? How does the affect of predators affect animal behavior?
What is not testable because it is not specific, cannot be measured, and contains more than one variable.
What is the model/format that we use when we write a hypothesis?
What is the if...then...because...
What is a dependent variable?
What is the effect of the independent variable. It's the thing that's changing because we changed the independent variable.
Identify the variables in the following question: How does Heat affect the motion of water molecules?
What is: Independent: water temperature/heat Dependent: motion of water molecules Controlled: amount of water, heat source
What should you do with your data after you are done with your experiment? Why?
Share/communicate results because that way other scientists can conduct the same experiment and because sharing your information often leads to new questions, new hypotheses, and new investigations.
What 3 things do we need for a question to be considered testable?
What is specific, one variable, and measured/observed
Write a hypothesis for the following question: Will using liquid fertilizer make grass grow greener than granulated fertilizer?
What is if we use liquid fertilizer than the grass will grow greener because liquid absorbs quicker.
Identify the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the controlled variables in the following question: How does increasing the slope of a ramp affect how far a marble travels?
What is: Independent variable: the difference in slope Dependent variable: how far the marble travels Controlled variables: type of ramp, type of marble, person releasing marble.
Identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and controlled variables in the following question: How does watching TV while studying affect a students test grades?
What is: Independent: TV vs. No TV Dependent: test scores Controlled: student, subject, amount of time studying
Why is it important to conduct experiments multiple times?
What is to make sure results are accurate