Scientific method
Cont. Scientific Method
Variables 1
Variables 2
Variables 3

Which is a quantitative observation?

a number or measurement


Sally and James decide to test an idea to see if water lily plants grow better in salt water or fresh water.  Sally believes that water lily plants grow better in fresh water.  Sally is making a ________



On which axis should you graph the independent variable?

X axis


Nick wanted to see how high an ice cube would float in different temperatures of water. IV_____________ DV_____________

IV:  temperatures of water

DV:  height of ice cube in water


It has been determined that listening to country music will increase science grades. What is the dependent variable?

science grades


Which part of the Scientific Method is being represented? I am wondering if gummy worms expand quicker in water, milk, lemon juice, or vinegar.



What is a qualitative observation?

Using the 5 senses


On which axis should you graph the dependent variable?

Y axis


Three redwood trees are kept at different humidity levels inside a greenhouse for 12 weeks. One tree is left outside in normal conditions. Height of the trees is measured once a week. IV___________ DV___________

IV:  different humidity levels

DV:  height of tree


Justin usually blows his nose using Kleenex tissues. His snot keeps leaking through the tissue. He decided he is going to create an experiment to find out if there is something better. What is his dependent variable?

DV:  amount of snot leakage


You decide to test a whirligig to see what would produce the maximum descent time. You use mass as your manipulated variable, so you test out different amounts of paper clips on your whirligig and drop it from 2 meters high. What step of the scientific method is being represented?



What is the order of the steps of the Scientific Method?

Observation/Question/Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analyze Data, Conclusion, Share Results


What is a controlled or constant variable?

A variable that stays the same during an experiment.


If calcium is given to women then bone strength will increase. What is the independent & dependent  variables?

IV: calcium

DV: bone strength


Justin usually blows his nose using Kleenex tissues. His snot keeps leaking through the tissue. He decided he is going to create an experiment to find out if there is something better. What is his independent variable? 

IV:  different types of tissue used 


Which part of the Scientific Method is being represented? Based on the data and results of the experiment, the tennis ball bounces higher than the golf ball proving my hypothesis to be correct.



Three redwood trees are kept at different humidity levels inside a greenhouse for 12 weeks. One tree is left outside in normal conditions. Height of the tree is measured once a week. What is the control group?

the tree left outside in normal conditions


Different types of rose bushes are grown in a green house for two months. The number of flowers on each bush is counted at the end of the experiment. IV__________ DV__________

IV:  type of bush

DV:  number of flowers


One tank of gold fish is fed the normal amount of food once a day, a second tank is fed twice a day, and a third tank four times a day during 6 weeks. The fish's weight is recorded daily. IV____________ DV____________

IV:  amount of food

DV:  weight


Mr. McNiece wanted to see how different types of music affected students' pulse rates. She played different types of music: heavy metal, rap, R&B, alternative, pop, country, and classical music. IV________________ DV______________

IV:  different types of music played

DV:  pulse rates of students


Brandy decided to make bread. After making her first loaf, she realized that the bread didn't rise as it should. Her mom suggested the kitchen was too cold. She decides to try again. This time, she places 3 equal amounts of bread dough in the kitchen at 63 degrees and 3 in her bedroom at 80 degrees to allow the bread to rise. She measured the size of the dough after 20 minutes. What could Brandy do to make her experiment better.

add more areas of temperature and increase the amount of bread dough used


 Flynn's experiment showed him that fish kills are a result of high water temperature. He made another hypothesis to investigate other causes of fish kills aside from what he first concluded. He also consulted other scientists on the results of his experiments.

What is one way Flynn showed that he is a good scientist in this scenario?

He shared his results and tested other hypotheses to make sure he had accurate results


Different rose bushes are grown in a green house for two months. The number of flowers on each bush is counted at the end of the experiment. CV______________

Both are grown in a green house for the same length of time.


You decide to clean the bathroom once a day for two weeks. You notice that the shower is covered in a strange green slime. You decide to try and get rid of the slime by adding lemon juice. You spray half of the shower with lemon juice and spray the other half with water. You record how clean the shower is everyday. IV_____________ DV______________

IV:  using lemon juice to clean shower

DV:  removal of slime


Lisa is working on a science project. Her task is to answer the question: "Does Rogooti (which is a commercial hair product) affect the speed of hair growth?" IV_____________ DV_____________

IV:  amount of Rogooti

DV:  speed of hair growth