The Process
Testable Questions
Graphing and Conclusions
What is the difference between observations and inferences?
Observation uses senses and is definitely true and an inference is what you think.
What is the best way to write a hypothesis?
An If.. then.. statement
I want to see if drinking a gallon of water a day increases your life expectancy. Write a testable question.
Will drinking a gallon a day increase life expectancy?
A student tests if getting more sleep makes them score higher on a test. What is the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE?
Hours of sleep
What type of graph shows change over time?
Bar graph
You see students running down the street (observation). What is an inference you may have?
Student examples?
Rewrite the following hypothesis: I think that the hot water will dissolve the ice faster than cold water.
Hot water will dissolve ice faster than cold water. OR If ice is in hot water, then it will dissolve faster than in cold water
Can you test what color skittle is the best?
A student tests if getting more sleep makes them score higher on a test. What is the DEPENDENT VARIABLE?
Test scores
What graph should be used when comparing two different categories?
Bar graph
In what step of the scientific process to you accept or reject your hypothesis in a written statement?
The conclusion
What would you keep constant for the following testable question: Does exercise affect weight loss?
The type of exercise done and people's diets
What types of questions can't you test?
Opinion based questions
A scientist was testing the effects of Aspirin on mice heart rates. The mice were split into three groups. Per day, Group A received no Aspirin, Group B received 10 mg of Aspirin and Group C received 20 mg of Aspirin. Their heart rates were measured an hour later. What is this independent variable?
The amount of Aspirin
What type of graph would you use when putting time on the x axis and deer population on the y axis?
Line graph
The liquid is bubbling. Is this an observation or an inference?
How can you test if students that come on-time to school everyday have higher GPAs at graduation?
Look through attendance data a separate students that have been on time everyday and students that come late. Then find their GPAs and calculate the average.
A scientist was testing the effects of Aspirin on mice heart rates. The mice were split into three groups. Per day, Group A received no Aspirin, Group B received 10 mg of Aspirin and Group C received 20 mg of Aspirin. Their heart rates were measured an hour later. What is the dependent variable?
Heart rate
On what axis is the dependent variable on?
Y axis
Before creating a hypothesis, what does a scientist do? AKA what is the first step...
Ask a question
Why is it important to keep parts of the experiment constant?
So you can make sure it is the independent variable this is causing the effect and not something else.