THIS term means an "earth-centered" universe; while THIS OTHER TERM means a "sun-centered" universe (or solar system).
What are Geocentric and Heliocentric?
Perhaps one of the most well-known natural philosophers, THIS MAN is a founder of classical mechanics (in Physics), helped develop calculus, formulated the laws of motion and gravity, and developed the reflecting telescope along with ideas on color and prisms.
Who was Newton?
People in the Enlightenment used the scientific method to solve social problems, like which type of government is best? Therefore, THIS WORD, was the "M.O." of the Enlightenment. It was the "buzzword" that drove thinkers to be logical, rather than religious or emotional.
What is reason?
THIS early-Enlightenment figure is known for the social contract. He argued that people were good; they can rule themselves and that the government needed the consent of the governed to function. Thus, he sided with the parliamentarians in the English Civil War. Additionally, he thought people were born with a "tabula rasa" - a blank slate. Their ideas are shaped by their culture and are not God-given.
Who was John Locke?
Diderot and d'Alembert collaborated with scientists, writers, skilled workers, and progressive priests to compile THIS BOOK, which eventually was banned in France, and therefore led Catherine the Great to offer to publish it in Russia.
What is the Encyclopedia?
Invented in the Scientific Revolution, THIS PROCESS describes how you should logically flow from hypothesis to thesis, and that all results should be repeatable.
What is the Scientific Method?
Persecuted by the Roman Inquisition for heresy, THIS ITALIAN natural philosopher drew images of the moon with craters and is a father of observational astronomy. His name is also in the song, Bohemian Rhapsody.
Who was Galileo?
THIS IS THE FRENCH WORD for an Enlightenment thinker.
What is a Philosophe?
THESE WOMEN held readings in their homes and helped authors publish their work.
Who were Salonnieres?
THIS GERMAN Enlightenment thinker wrote an essay called "What is Enlightenment," in which he challenged us to "sapere aude" or "dare to know." He wanted us to think freely. Because of the limitations of reason, we cannot know if there is a God or an afterlife. But then again, we cannot prove that there is NOT a God or an afterlife, either.
Who was Immanuel Kant?
THIS is the term for scientists in the 18th century. It is a term derived from the ancient Greeks.
What is "Natural Philosophers"?
THIS POLISH natural philosopher posited that the sun was a the center of the solar system.
Who was Copernicus?
This is the IMAGINED TRANSATIONAL REALM of thinkers and writers who communicated via a post system with each other.
What is the Republic of Letters?
Who was Voltaire?
THIS SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHER was a skeptic. If there were no truths (because we can't trust our 5 senses), then reason cannot provide morality. Morality comes from emotions and desires (the 5 senses), like approval and shame. So he undermined the Enlightenment faith in reason.
Who was David Hume?
Francis Bacon came up with THIS IDEA - the philosophy that knowledge is based on observation and measurement with instruments, sensors, and data.
What is Empiricism?
This physician challenged Galen and the humoral theory of the human body by doing autopsies on corpses with an audience. He also drew beautiful anatomical drawings illustrating the body's systems.
Who was Vesalius?
Loved by Thomas Paine and Voltaire, THIS IDEOLOGY posits that god exists, but religion is created by man. God (like a clockmaker) created the world, then stepped back and does not have an influence on every-day happenings. Therefore questioning church, prayer, and religion itself.
What is deism?
In his "Spirit of the Laws," THIS FRENCH WRITER argued for a separation of powers via checks and balances.
Who was Montesquieu?
Instead of mercantilism, Enlightenment economists loved Adam Smiths idea of a free market economy. He used THIS FRENCH PHRASE to describe the free market. It means "let it be." In other words, governments should let corporations run without interference.
What is Laissez Faire?
THIS WORD means the pseudo-science of making gold from other things while THIS OTHER WORD means the pseudoscience of predicting your future based on the alignment of the stars when you were born. Surprisingly, many thinkers from this time period still believed in these traditional views.
What are alchemy and astrology?
Who was Rene Descartes?
THIS FRENCH PHRASE describes Europe before the Enlightenment. It means Europe as feudal, mercantilist, absolutist, and an established class structure dominated by an aristocracy. Basically, Europe before the Enlightenment and French Revolution.
What is the Ancien Regime?
THIS GROUP of MEN maintained principles of individual freedom and the denial of social strata. Their members (which sometimes included women and Jews) had secret rituals, but generally espoused a faith in progress and toleration, while criticizing institutionalized religion.
Who were the Freemasons?
THIS ITALIAN Enlightenment thinker gives us the ideas to end capital punishment and that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. His ideas were instrumental in the Napoleonic Code, which is the basis of European law today.
Who was Cesare Beccaria?