The Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment Thinkers
Medicine and Science
Philosophers and Government

He challenged the traditional geocentric view of the universe with his heliocentric theory

Who is Copernicus


This English philosopher believed all men are born with natural rights (bonus points for listing the rights)

Who is John Locke - Life, Liberty and Property


He studied the cosmos using a telescope and discovered the moons of Jupiter, rough surfaces on the moon, and dark spots on the sun.

Who is Galileo?


This agreement argues that people should give up some of their freedom in exchange for security and order provided by the government. 

What is the Social Contract?


These gatherings were hosted by women during the Enlightenment where intellectuals met to discuss ideas.

What are salons?


This law states that there is a force of attraction between objects that increases as objects move closer together

What is the law of gravity? 


This philosophe is famous for advocating for freedom of speech - even saying "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." 

Who is Voltaire?


This doctor revolutionized medicine by developing an ointment for wounds and a technique with stiches.

Who is Ambroise Pare?


The type of government where a monarch has complete control over their subjects. 

What is an absolute monarchy? 


This monarch is known for abolishing serfdom, promoting religious freedom, and expanding educational opportunities in Austria.

Who is Joseph II?

He used mathematics to prove that planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun

Who is Johannes Kepler?


This philosopher believed that human nature was basically good, but society corrupted people. 

Who is Rousseau?


He discovered how blood circulates through the body, showing that the heart acts as a pump. 

Who is William Harvey? 


John Locke believed that people have the right to do this if a government fails to protect their natural rights

What is rebel? 


Key elements of the scientific method that emerged during the Scientific Revolution

Experiments and observations.

Using mathematics to prove theories 


He was put on trial by the Catholic Church for his support of the heliocentric theory and because his scientific discoveries challenged traditional views of the universe. 

Who is Galileo?


This Enlightenment thinker believed that the best government is one that divides power among different branches. 

Who is Montesquieu?


The professor who made accurate drawings of human anatomy. 

Who is Andreas Vesalius?


Montesquieu admired a government with divided powers for this reason.

What is to prevent any one branch/person from becoming too powerful.


This individual is recognized as the chief editor of the Encyclopedia, which aimed to compile human knowledge and promote reason during the Enlightenment. 

Who is Denis Diderot?


This scientist described the universe as a giant, well-regulated machine governed by natural laws

Sir Isaac Newton


He believed that people were naturally selfish and violent, supporting the idea of an absolute monarchy to maintain order. 

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


The ancient Greek physician whose medical teachings dominated Europe until the Scientific Revolution. 

Who is Galen?


This term refers to the collective will of the people for the common good.

What is the general will? 


Describe 2 concerns of the philosophes (there are many) 

Urged for religious toleration. End wars of religion. 

Freedom of speech and press. 

Encouraged education as a way to end prejudice and ignorance.

Spoke out against torture and slavery