Galileo and Motion
Galileo and Astronomy I
Galileo and Astronomy II
Kepler and Optics
Kepler and Astronomy
A testable questions is ________ and changes only one _____________.
What are "specific" and "variable"
In this second step of the scientific method, you find out more about your topic.
What is "research"?
In this third step of the scientific method, we are making an educated guess about what will happen (the outcome of our testable question).
What is "a hypothesis"?
This is the one thing we change in an experiment (on purpose).
What is the independent variable?
In an experiment, this is the thing that happens as a result of changing the independent variable (it's the result that we measure).
What is "the dependent variable"?
Galileo discovered that objects experience the __________ acceleration regardless of their weight.
What is "same"?
This can happen in an experiment because we don't always measure the results the same way every time.
What is "experimental error"?
Galileo noticed these orbiting Jupiter.
What are "four moons"?
Johannes Kepler explained that the lens of your eye does this to the light that comes through it.
What is "bends it"?
Kepler discovered that the planets didn't make circular orbits around the sun. The only way Tycho Brahe's observations of Mars made sense to him is if he assumed it orbited the sun in this oval-shaped path.
What is "an ellipse"?
When an object continues to travel through the air without anything powering its motion, it is called a ___________.
What is "projectile"?
Galileo saw this when he looked at the surface of the moon.
What is "It had craters and valleys" (or, it wasn't smooth)
When Galileo looked at the planet Venus with his telescope, he noticed this.
What is "Venus went through phases"?
The light that goes through your eye hits the back of your eye, which is called this.
What is "the retina"?
It takes two points to make an ellipse, just like when we drew the ellipse in class. Each of these points is called this.
What is "a focus"?
This is the name of the curved path that all projectiles follow.
What is a parabola (or parabolic path)?
Galileo noticed these on the surface of the sun.
What are sunspots?
All of Galileo's new observations with his telescope were strong evidence for this.
What is "the heliocentric system"?
The image that the light makes on the back of your eye is in this position, even though your brain interprets it differently.
What is "upside down"?
This is a name for how flattened the oval shape of an ellipse is.
What is "eccentricity"?
Galileo believed that God created everything natural philosophers studied, and that He had written the laws of nature in this language.
What is mathematics?
Galileo did this for the telescope.
What is "improved the design"?
Because Galileo published a book about his evidence, the Church put him on trial for heresy. Heresy means this:
What is "teaching or believing something against the official teachings of the church"?
People who see things clearly close-up but have difficulty focusing on things that are far away are said to be this.
What is "nearsighted"?
Kepler's First Law: All planets orbit the sun in an __________ with the sun at one ____________.
What are "ellipse" and "focus"?