According to this account, the scientific method consists in testing the risky predictions of theories and dismissing them if negative evidence is discovered.
What is Falsificationism?
Inferences from the past to the future have no justification, whatsoever.
What is the problem of induction?
This term refers to the disciplinary apparatus of a scientific theory, including its metaphysics, language, laws, standards of evaluation, and puzzle-solving criteria.
What is 'paradigm'?
Gas stoves have been correlated with this respiratory condition, which usually develops in childhood.
What is asthma?
According to this theory of science, scientists craft hypotheses, deduce predictions from those hypotheses, and then test them via experiments.
This theory contends that all contentful knowledge derives from the senses
What is empiricism?
He argued, against prior philosophical accounts of science, that scientific knowledge is not accumulating over history.
Who is Thomas Kuhn?
The nature of normal science, according to Kuhn.
What is puzzle-solving?
This class of chemicals, known as "forever chemicals," are known to cause negative health impacts despite industry denials.
What are Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)?
A standard or rule, by means of which we can distinguish science from non- or pseudoscience.
What is a demarcation criterion?
This theory held that the Earth is the center of the universe.
What is Geocentrism?
Against Karl Popper, Wesley Salmon argued that this provides no grounds for rational prediction.
What is corroboration?
These are puzzles that resist solution.
What are anomalies?
Thomas Kuhn received his Ph. D. in this field from Harvard University in 1949.
What is physics?
According to this, there is no such thing as a given, purely objective observation. Rather, all scientific observations presuppose a background theory.
What is the theory-ladenness of observations?
According to this account, there is no scientific method. Rather, the only rule that doesn't inhibit scientific progress is "anything goes."
What is epistemological anarchism?
Imre Lakatos claimed that this account of science was incorrect, because "Scientists do not abandon a theory merely because the facts contradict it."
What is Falsificationism?
Kuhn uses this psychological phenomenon to illustrate how scientists "see differently" after theory change.
What is a gestalt shift?
This was Karl Popper's go-to example of a pseudoscience.
What is psychoanalysis?
The precession of the perihelion of Mercury lead astronomers to hypothesize the existence of what planet?
What is Vulcan?
This theory, popular in the Medieval Europe, combined the doctrines of the Catholic church with the teachings of Aristotle.
What is Scholasticism?
He argued that Kuhn's account of normal science makes science into a closed society.
Who is J. W. N. Watkins?
This is when two scientific theories lack a common measure, by which one can objectively decide which is better.
What is incommensurability?
Although we think that emeralds are green, all the evidence we have equally supports the thesis that they are this color, according to Nelson Goodman's 'New Riddle of Induction.'
What is grue?
This substance was theorized by Georg Ernst Stahl as that which causes things to be burnable and which is released during combustion and calcination.
What is phlogiston?