Admission Processes
University Life
Educational Systems
Historical Facts and Figures

True or False: All universities require letters of recommendation for undergraduate admissions.



What is a common term used for a place where students live on campus?



Match the following types of exams with their main purpose:





  1. Test of English as a Foreign Language
  1. Law School Admission Test
  1. Graduate Record Examination
  1. Medical College Admission Test

A) GRE - 3

B) MCAT - 4

C) LSAT - 2

D) TOEFL - 1


Drag and drop the following educational levels into the correct chronological order from earliest to latest:

  • Kindergarten
  • High School
  • College
  • Elementary School

Kindergarten → Elementary School → High School → College


Unscramble the letters to reveal the country where the Industrial Revolution began, transforming society with advancements in manufacturing and production: 

Clue: "N D G L A N E"



What is typically the first step in applying to a university? 

A) Writing a thesis

B) Submitting standardized test scores

C) Filling out an application form

D) Attending orientation

  • C) Filling out an application form

True or False: All university students are required to participate in extracurricular activities.



If you are preparing for a comprehensive final exam that covers multiple subjects and spans over several weeks, what is the most effective study strategy? 

A) Create a detailed study plan that includes reviewing each subject in intervals and allows time for practice tests

B) Cram all the material the night before the exam to maximize retention

C) Focus on only the subjects you find most interesting, assuming the others will be less emphasized

D) Study in a group without a specific plan to cover all topics, hoping to get a broad understanding through discussion

A) Create a detailed study plan that includes reviewing each subject in intervals and allows time for practice tests


In many high schools, students are required to take core subjects. Which of the following subjects is typically part of the core curriculum?

A) Art History

B) Advanced Computer Programming

C) History

D) Culinary Arts




True or False. 

The Great Wall of China was originally built to protect the Chinese states from nomadic invasions.



Match the following components with their typical purpose in the university admission process:

A) Personal Statement

B) SAT/ACT Scores

C) Transcripts

D) Resume

  1. Shows academic performance
  1. Demonstrates personal achievements and goals
  1. Provides evidence of high school coursework and grades
  1. Highlights extracurricular activities and work experience
  • A) Personal Statement - 2
  • B) SAT/ACT Scores - 1
  • C) Transcripts - 3
  • D) Resume - 4

At most universities, students are assigned an ________ who helps them with academic planning and career advice.



True or False: The ACT exam includes a section dedicated to foreign language skills.

 (The ACT test covers four academic skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and scientific reasoning.)



How does the national high school exit exam system in Kazakhstan compare to that in the United States?  

Kazakhstan’s system involves a state exam called the Unified National Test (UNT), while the U.S. system uses a combination of standardized tests and high school GPA.


Who was the first President of the United States?

George Washington


Many universities use a system called ________ to evaluate an applicant’s academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

Holistic Review/Comprehensive Evaluation


You’re starting your first semester at university and want to balance academics with social activities. What is the best approach to manage your time effectively? 

A) Focus solely on academics and avoid social activities to ensure good grades

B) Join multiple clubs and organizations without a clear plan to experience everything university life offers

C) Create a schedule that includes both study time and social activities to maintain a balanced lifestyle

D) Wait until mid-semester to adjust your schedule based on your academic performance and social interests

C) Create a schedule that includes both study time and social activities to maintain a balanced lifestyle


The ________ section of the GRE tests verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills.

(GRE test-Graduate Record Examinations is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States and other countries.)

a) Math
b) Language
c) General
d) Subject  




In Kazakhstan, which of the following is a key feature of the educational reforms introduced in recent years to improve the quality of higher education?

A) Emphasis on traditional lecture-based teaching methods

B) Integration of international accreditation and quality assurance standards

C) Reduction in the number of higher education institutions

D) Increase in the number of compulsory subjects for all students


B) Integration of international accreditation and quality assurance standards


Match the following historical figures with their significant achievements:

A) Marie Curie

B) Leonardo da Vinci

C) Nelson Mandela

D) Cleopatra

  1. Led the fight against apartheid in South Africa
  1. Pioneered research in radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes
  1. Ruled ancient Egypt and was involved with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony
  1. Painted the Mona Lisa and contributed to the Renaissance

A) Marie Curie - 2

B) Leonardo da Vinci - 4

C) Nelson Mandela - 1

D) Cleopatra - 3


You’re applying to a highly selective university that follows a rolling admissions process. If you submit your application in November, what is the best strategy to maximize your chances of admission? 

A) Wait until the deadline to submit, ensuring all components are complete

B) Only include high school grades and omit other components to reduce application complexity

C) Focus on preparing for additional standardized tests and submit your application later

D) Submit your application as early as possible to demonstrate interest and improve chances

D) Submit your application as early as possible to demonstrate interest and improve chances


Match the following university terms with their correct descriptions:

A) Syllabus

B) Office Hours

C) Major

D) Elective Course

  1. A class that is not required for your degree but you can choose to take
  1. The subject area that you are specializing in during your studies
  1. The schedule when professors are available to meet with students
  1. A document outlining the topics and requirements of a course

A) Syllabus - 4

B) Office Hours - 3

C) Major - 2

D) Elective Course - 1


What does the acronym "SAT" stand for in standardized testing?

Scholastic Assessment Test


Case Study Analysis: 

In Country X, students are required to choose a specialized field of study at an early age, which significantly influences their career paths. The system focuses on practical skills and industry-specific knowledge. Based on this summary, which country is most likely described?



Which of the following leaders played a pivotal role in shaping the geopolitical landscape of the 20th century, and whose policies directly led to the start of a major global conflict? 

A) Franklin D. Roosevelt

B) Winston Churchill

C) Joseph Stalin

D) Adolf Hitler

D) Adolf Hitler