Did Scott' O Dell have children or stepchildren?
Scott' O Dell had stepchildren not children.
Did Scott' O Dell ever write nonfiction?
Scott' O Dell did write a few nonfiction books
What month was Scott' O Dell born in?
Scott' O Dell was born in May.
What state did Scott' O Dell live in?
Scott' O Dell lived in California
How old was Scott' O Dell when he wrote Island of The Blue Dolphins?
Scott' O Dell was at a whopping over sixty years when he wrote Island of The Blue Dolphins!
What day of the month was Scott' O Dell born in?
The day of the month that Scott' O Dell was born in was the 23rd
What was Scott' O Dell fascinated by?
Scott' O Dell was fascinated by the ocean.
Did Scott' O Dell write books for adults, or kids?
Scott' O Dell wrote mainly for kids (26 kids books) but did write four adult books. (If you said kid books or both adult and kid, you get the points)
What year was Scott' O Dell born?
Scott' O Dell was born in the year 1898
Was Scott' O Dell tall or short?
Scott' O Dell was tall not short.
How old was Scott' O Dell when he died?
91 years! That is 12 years longer than the average human lifespan!
What year did Scott' O Dell die in?
Scott' O Dell died in 1989
For most of his life, did Scott' O Dell live near the ocean or the mountains?
Scott' O Dell lived near the ocean for most of his life.
How many books did Scott' O Dell write (that he published) in his life
Scott' O Dell published a total of 33 books in his lifetime!
What month and what day of the month did Scott' O Dell die in?
Scott' O Dell died on October 15