Scouting Heritage
Scout Skills
Scout Gear
T/F Covid-19
Merit Badges

The founder of the scouting movement.

Who is Lieutenant General Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (Lord baden-powell).

Another name for the square knot 

What is joining knot?


This is the place where cooking gear is stored. 

What is Chuck Box? 


True or false: The coronavirus can be transmitted through goods from infected nations.

False: According to the WHO, it is immensely unlikely that viable virus contaminants will survive through most shipping environments.


Six merit badges, including four Eagle required badges, must be earned to complete this rank. 

What is Star?


The founder of American scouting

Who is William D. Boyce?


After training you should be able to do this in less than five minutes.

What is start a fire?


This is the most likely thing to damage scout gear

What is weather?


The Coronavirus gains its name from the popular mexican beer.

False: the Coronavirus was named so due to the crown-like spikey appendages on the cells surface.


The current total number of merit badges

What is 135?


The Year The BSA was officially founded.

What is 1910?

This poem helps you remember a key point about poisonous plants
What is Leaves of Three, Leave Them Be?

These should be checked out from the quartermaster, and returned cleaned and dry by the next Troop meeting.

What are Troop tents?


The official name of the newest outbreak is Covid-19

False; The official designation in 2019-nCoV


The total list of eagle required merit badges (including all optional ones)

What are; First Aid, Citz. In the community, Citz. in the nation, Citz. in the world, Communication, Cooking, Personal Fitness, Emergency preparedness/Lifesaving, Environmental science/Sustainablility, Personal Management, Swimming/Cycling/Hiking, Camping, Family Life.


The First Eagle scout.

Who was Arthur Rose Eldred?


This is the proper way to treat a bloody nose

What is lean forward and apply pressure to the nose just below the bridge?


You should have these two things at every Scout meeting.

What are Uniform and Handbook?


The date of the last scout meeting held at the huts this calendar year. 

What is March 10, 2020. 


The Most earned merit badge in the year 2018.

What is First Aid.


The group of like minded organizationalists that founded the official BSA.

Who are, Ernest Thompson Seton (First Chief Scout), Daniel Carter Beard (First National Commissioner), William D. Boyce (Official Charterman), and James E. West (First Chief Scout executive)?


The seven knots a scout must know to earn First Class rank

What are, The square knot, Two half-hitches, The Taut-line Hitch, The sheet bend, The Bowline, The Clove hitch, and The timber hitch?


The ten essential items for all scouting activities

Pocket Knife, First Aid kit, Extra Clothing, Rain Gear, Water storage, Flashlight, Trail-food, Fire starter, Sun protection, Map/Compass


Covid-19 is a completely new virus that has never been seen before.

False: A coronavirus is a subfamily of viruses that have been active and identified for decades. (E.G., SARS).


The original number of merit badges in 1911

What is 57?