Scouting History
Merit Badge Req#2
Knot Again
Reservations, please
2b or Not 2b

He wrote the Patrol Leader's Handbook and is quoted as saying,"The Patrol Method is not ONE method in which Scouting can be carried on. It is the ONLY method! " Hint: The Lines on the PL emblem are part of his nickname.

Who is Green Bar Bill Hillcourt?


Show your counselor that you are able to identify each of the following types of this item: plaited, coiled, ribbed, and wicker. Just don't put all your eggs in one.

What is the Basketry Merit Badge?


Use this knot to shorten a rope without cutting it. 

What is a Sheep-shank?


This RESERVATION includes Camp Stahlamn, Camp Craig, and the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge

What is Boxwell Scout Reservation?


For the Rank of First Class Scout Req 2b states: "Demonstrate tying the timber hitch and clove hitch. "

What is Not 2b?


The three highest ranks in Scouting today where initially awards for First Class Scouts who earned a total of 21 merit badges.

What are Life, Star and Eagle Scout?


List several reasons why you are important to your family and discuss this with your parents or guardians and with your merit badge counselor.

What is Family Life Merit Badge?


Use this to tie together two ropes - especially if they are different thicknesses.

What is a Sheetbend


145 miles to our east. This RESERVATION conducts NYLT annually.

What is Latimer Reservation?


For the Rank of Tenderfoot, Req 2b states: "While on a campout, demonstrate an appropriate method of safely cleaning items used to prepare, serve, and eat a meal."

What is 2b?


Before 1924, these two ranks where higher than Life Scout

What are Star and Eagle Scout?


Demonstrate how to match a the rod, line and leader to achieve a balanced system.

What is the Fly Fishing Merit Badge?


Hanging from the bottom of the scroll on the Second Class Scout rank badge and First Class Scout rank badge is a knot. It is there to remind a Scout to do something.

What is "do a Good Turn Daily?"


This was to be the site of the 2021 National Jamboree, until COVID-19 came along.

What is Summit Bechtel Reserve


For the Rank of Scout, Req 2b states: "Describe the four steps of Scout advancement. "

What is 2b?


In a compromise gesture to those who wanted to create a rank beyond Eagle, these were introduced in 1927 as awards recognizing earning merit badges beyond the 21 required for Eagle Scout.

What are Eagle Palms?


Complete an electrical home safety inspection of your home, using the checklist found in this pamphlet or one approved by your counselor. Discuss what you find with your counselor.

What is Electricity Merit Badge?


In fly fishing, it's the knot used to tie the leader to the tippet. You don't have to go to medical school to learn it.

What is a surgeon's knot.


It sounds like the name of a High Adventure Base but is actually on the Narrows of the Harpeth.

What is Billmont Scout Ranch?


For the Rank of Second Class Scout, Req 2b states: "Explain when it is appropriate to use a fire for cooking or other purposes and when it would not be appropriate to do so."

What is Not 2b?


This Chicago publisher, was on a business trip in London, England. Standing on a corner in a dense fog, utterly lost, he was approached by a young boy who inquired, "Sir, may I be of assistance." Upon explaining his dilemma, the boy volunteered to show him the way. This meeting inspired him to create the Boy Scouts of America

Who is W.D. Boyce?


Demonstrate the proper way to drive, set, and clinch a nail, draw a spike with a claw-hammer, and to join two pieces of wood with screws.

What is the Carpentry Merit Badge?


This knot is a fixed loop tied in the middle of a rope and is a favored knot for mountain/rock climbers, used for hand or foot loops or used to hook their carabiners into. 

What is the butterfly knot?


128 miles south of us, this RESERVATION serves the Chattanooga/ Cherokee Area Council. 

What is Skymont Scout Reservation


DAILY DOUBLE:  The three ranks that do not have a REQ 2b.

What are Star, Life and Eagle Scout?