recite the scout oath!
on my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to god and my country and to obey the scout law; to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight
Describe how one should treat small cuts/scrapes, sunburns, and hypothermia
cuts/scrapes- wash with warm water and soap, apply antibacterial cream, cover with a bandaid.
Sunburns- Drink water, avoid direct sunlight, apply aloe vera gel, drink water, apply cool compress, avoid peeling skin
Hypothermia- warm person up slowly, supply warm beverages/fluids, get them out of the cold.
What knot is used in order to connect two ropes of the same size
Square knot
Describe the tools necessary to make a fire (what is needed)
Ex. Dry wood, tinder, matches/fire starters, smart people
Who is the ASPL?
Recite the scout law!
A scout is
If somebody is having an anaphylactic reaction, what is the device used to treat it?
An epicenter
What knot is used in almost all lashings and starts with forming an “x” shape
Clove hitch
Which point of “leave no trace” refers to starting fires
“Minimize campfire impacts”
Name all the planets
Name em
Scout slogan?!?!
Do a good turn daily
Demonstrate one method of carrying a survivor/victim to transport them to safety
Demonstrate how to tie a clove hitch
Tie a clove hitch
What gas is required to keep a fire running?
What is the proper way of retiring a worn flag
Burning the flag and letting the flames consume it until they go out by themselves
What is the scout motto?
be prepared
Demonstrate the proper procedures for handling and immobilizing suspected closed or open fractures or dislocations of the upper arm
should make a triangular sling
What is it called when you use ropes to connect two or more rods
Is it safe to have a fire in your tent
How many stars were on the first American flag, what did they represent
13, the colonies
what is the outdoor code???
As an American, I will do my best to –
What does a tourniquet do
A device that is used to apply pressure to a certain limb in order to stop blood flow. turnicates are only to be used by first responders as a last resort.
After which world war was scouting started?
Trick question: no world war
List the first 10 amendments of the United States constitution
1. Free speech
2. Right to bear arms
3. Quartering soldiers
4. Search and arrest
5. Rights in criminal cases
6. Right to a fair trial
7. Rights in civil cases
8. Punishment
9. Rights not stated are still given
10. Federalism