What kind of knot is the boline
rescue knot
What is the first line of the scout oath?
On my honor, I will do my best
How many ranks are there?
How do you make the scout sign?
Hold up your right hand with your arm at a 90-degree angle, your palm open, and your first three fingers pointing up.
What are the 4 citizenship badges?
Cit. in the nation, community, world, and society
What does the sheetbend knot do?
Joins 2 ropes of different diameters
What is the first point of the scout oath?
When did scouts open up for girls?
When you hold up the Scout sign, what should you be doing?
Being quiet and paying attention.
How many eagle required merit badges are there?
What knot starts the square lashing?
How many points are in the scout law?
What year was BSA founded in?
When should you use the scout salute?
To show respect, usually during flag ceremonies or when saluting the flag... when you have your uniform on
What 3 eagle required merit badges have a 90-day requirement?
Family Life, Personal management, and personal fitness
What knot starts the diagonal lashing?
Timber Hitch
What does the scout oath say about how to treat other people (the line)?
“To help other people at all times
What is the highest rank in cub scouts?
The arrow of light
How do Scouts show respect during the Pledge of Allegiance?
By standing at attention and saluting the flag with the Scout salute.
How many badges do you need to be a life scout?
What knot do you use to secure a flag to a flagpole?
Figure 8
What does it mean to be “mentally awake”?
To be aware of your surroundings
What famous astronaut was a boy scout?
Neil Armstrong
How many fingers do you use for the Cub Scout sign?
How many merit badges are there?