Scout motto
What is: Be prepared ?
Merit badges + how they're earned
What is Merit badges offer introductions to basically any topic you might want to learn about. Some of them are required to earn Eagle rank. You earn them by picking a subject, contacting a merit badge counselor, demonstrate your knowledge, being recognized. ?
Simple cuts and scrapes
in which state do strange things happen? ex. only in...
Scout slogan
What is: Do a good turn daily ?
Scout ranks
What are Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First class, Star, Life, Eagle ?
PREVENT blisters
What is Wear shoes that have been worn in, change your socks if they get wet, wear work gloves, place a bandaid on your heel if your shoes are not worn in ?
demonstrate mewing
cant talk, im mewing...
demonstrate the scout sign and salute
three finger sign and three finger salute
Scout Oath
What is: On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout law; To help other people at all times; to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight. ?
Scoutmaster Conference
What is a conversation with your scoutmaster about your advancement and time in the troop; you have to have one of these every time before you rank up ?
TREAT blisters
What is put on moleskin, OR if you know you must continue your activity and the blister will burst, pop it with a sterilized needle, rinse with water, and then put on a bandaid ?
a game in which you would say "red vented!! he's the imposter!!"
tie a square knot
heres a rope have funsies
Scout Law
What is: A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. ?
Board of Review
What is a discussion with several of the adults on the troop committee about your time in scouting where they decide whether or not you're ready to advance ?
When you get a third degree burn you...
CALL 911 !!!! GO TO HOPITAL !!! NO TOUCHIE PLS it will make it infinitely worse
complete the dance to wait... they don't love you like i love you
dance girl !!
four parts of the EDGE method
Outdoor Code
What is: As an American, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners, be careful with fire, be considerate in the outdoors, be conservation-minded. ?
Four steps of Scout advancement
What is: You learn, you are tested, you are reviewed, you are recognized ?
When you find that you were bitten by a tick you...
what sound would this picture make? (must sing to win)
hit the griddy
go crazy bro