If you get a bad cut what is the first step
Clean the wound
What is Scoutings Matto
Be Prepared
Who is the founder of Boy Scouts?
Baden Powell
Tom Pearson
What does OA mean?
Order of the Arrow
If there is a medical emergency what is the first step?
Call 911 or tell a person to call 911
What is the scouting slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily
Where did Boy Scouts originat
Great Britain
What are our scoutmaster 2 favorite words
Kind and Do
What is my opossums name?
If someone has a 3rd degree burn and their are bit of cloth stuck in the wond do you remove it.
Name 3 BSA-related programs
[Name all 5 and get bonus points]
- cub scouts
- Scouts BSA
- Venturing
- Sea Scouts
- Exploring
When was the scout rank created?
What were the original patrols of our Troop
Radoactive/Ice Dragons and River Otters
Name the 3 high adventure bases
[Name all 5 and get extra points]
- Sea Base
- Philmont
- Summit
- Nothern Tier
- Swamp Base
What do you do if someone goes into shock?
Lay them down and raise their legs. Also, put a blanket around them.
What does the scroll in the second class badge represent.
It represents a simle and that a scout is cheerful
When was Boy Scouts introduced to the USA
When was our troop founded
What is the least Earned Merit Badge.
What do you do if someone is Choking
Ask if they are choking. Then if they don't respond and are not coughing, call 911 and start the heimlich maneuver.
Name all the ranks from cubscouts to BSA highest award, in order, starting at 1st grade.
Tiger, Wolf, Bear, webelos, Arrow of light
Scout, tenderfoot, second class, first class, star, life, Eagle.
Where was the first Boy scout camp held?
Brownsea Island
Name 5 people that achieved their Eagle in our troop
[there are 8, name all of them and get bonus points]
- Kelly
- Jillian
- Elle
- Hadassah
- Courtney
- Marcia
- Rachel
- Lilly
When was Buck Toms founded?