He Founded Scouting!
Who is Lord Baden Powell
This was the year that the Boy Scouts of America was founded.
What is 1910.
the 2 stars of 1st class rank represent
What is Truth and Knowledge (scouting's ideals)
This is the Scout Oath and Law
What is
This is the most earned Merit badge
What is First Aid
He Founded the Boy Scouts of America in 1910.
William D. Boyce
This is the year the Order of the Arrow was founded
What is 1915
The scroll on the bottom of 2nd class rank represents
What is shaped like a smile to remind the Scout to smile as he does his duty.
This is the Scout Motto
What is Be Prepared
This knot is used to start all lashings
What is the Clove Hitch
He was the first Eagle Scout on the Moon
Who is Neil Armstrong
This was the year the scouting was Founded
What is 1907
the knot on the bottom of the scroll represents
What is Reminds the Scout to do a good turn daily
This is the Scout Slogan
What is Do a Good Turn Dailey
These knots are used to put up shelters/tents and describe where each is used.
What is the 2 Half-Hitch (to secure the rope to the sheltering material) and the Taut Line (to secure and adjust the rope length around a tent stake)
This Scout Leader founded the Order of the Arrow in 1915.
Who is E. Urner Goodman
This is why scouts shake with their left hands
What is it is closer to their heart.
This is written on the scroll of the 1st class badge
What is Be Prepared which is the Scout Motto
How many parts are there to the Scout Oath and Name them
What is
This is the order of rescue methods at any water area
What is R-T-T-G: Reach, Throw, Row, Go
Is John F Kennedy and/or Gerald Ford and/or Donald Trump and Eagle Scout
Who is Gerald Ford
This island off the coast of England hosted the 1st boy scout summer camp
What is Brown Sea Island
the eagle and shield represent on 1st Class represents this.
What is It stands for freedom and the readiness to defend that freedom.
The shape of the Scout badge is called this and the meaning is because of this
What is
This knot is used in rock climbing to withstand weight and also a choice knot for rescuing because it does not cause constriction.
What is the Bowline Knot.