History of Scouting
General Scout Stuff
Fire and Knives
Merit Badges and Rank Advancement

Founder of scouting

Who is Robert Baden-Powell 


Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to god and my country and to obey the scout law to help people at all times and to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally straight.

What are the two awards you can earn(about fire and wood)

Toten Chip

Firem'n Chit


What is the max. age between two scouts to tent together.

The max is two years


Two ways to obtain a weather forecast.

Answers may Vary

News, App, Newspaper, Radio


Country Scouting Began in 

Where was England


Fifth point of the scout Law

What is  Courteous 


what happens when you don't follow the rules of your Toten Chip and/or Firem'n Chit 

If it is something minor then you get a corner cut off but if it is something more major you get it taken away


When Camping during a thunder storm Should you go In to a car or building or stay in your tent.

You should go to a car or building


Six most common signs of a Heart Attack.

  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back.
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Fatigue.
  • Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness.

Year Boy Scouts of America started

Year Scouts BSA started

What is 1910

What is 2019


Does the American Flag go on speakers right or left 

What is Right

What is the Cub Scout equivalent of a Toten Chip

Whittling Chip


True or False you should put your tent up under a old dead tree.

FALSE of course you don't do that


Say the Outdoor code

As an American I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners be careful with fire be considerate in the outdoors and be conservation minded


Original annual scouting fees

What was 25 cents


Webelos is an acronym for what.

What is "We Be Loyal Scouts"


What should you always have when you start a fire (hint not used to start the fire)

A bucket of water.


When shopping for food should you get the item that is cheaper but way more than you need or buy the item that is the size you need but slightly more expensive

Buy the slightly more expensive one if it is something perishable but if it is something like granola bars that you will use up in the next camp out you can get the cheaper version.


Who oversaw the making of the Fingerprinting merit badge when it first came out in 1937

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover 

Fun fact:The relationship between the feds and the scouts goes way back. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover often hosted Scout visits to FBI headquarters and in 1937, he oversaw the drafting of the organization's Fingerprinting merit badge pamphlet. The Scouts taking the badge gathered fingerprints on drives that they would forward to the FBI's Civil Identification Section. Though separate from its criminal database, it nonetheless allowed the organization to gather the IDs of numerous Americans. 


First Eagle Scout in the BSA. 

Who was Arthur R. Eldred.


Number of Councils in Illinois

What is 13


What are the three types of wood needed to start a fire.

Tinder, Kindling, and Fuel


Most popular camping gear purchased

What is a flashlight


Least Common Merit Badge earned

What is Bugling