History of Scouting
Merit Badges
Scout Oath and Law
First Aid

The founder of Scouting.

Who is Robert Baden-Powell?


The April Fools Day merit badge created this year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the Social Distancing merit badge?


A device used by campers for storing items associated with a camp kitchen.

What is a chuck box?


The fifth point in the Scout Law.

What is courteous?


What to ask if you think someone might be choking.

What is "Are you choking?"


The year that Scouting was founded and established.

What is 1908?


The merit badge in which you must track your income and expenses over the course of thirteen weeks.

What is the Personal Management merit badge?


What to make sure of before temporarily leaving a campsite for an activity (name three).

What is the campfire put out, all dishes clean and properly stored, food/trash secure from animals, tent doors closed, personal gear put away, axes and saws safely stored, or campsite free of trash?


The motto of Scouts BSA.

What is "be prepared"?


A strip of rigid material used for supporting and immobilizing a broken bone.

What is a splint?


Where the founder of Scouting held a Boy Scout camp to test his ideas for his book, Scouting For Boys.

What is Brownsea Island, England?


The badge out of these three that is not an Eagle required merit badge: a.) Family Life, b.) Law, c.) Sustainability

What is b.) Law?


The choice out of these three that is not a quality of a good campsite: a.) clear of potential hazards, b.) is an established campsite, c.) non-durable surface

What is c.) non durable surface?


The slogan of Scouts BSA.

What is "do a good turn daily"?


The first step of the First Aid Method.

What is check the scene?


The first person in America to become an Eagle Scout.

Who is Arthur R. Eldred?


The number of merit badges you must complete to advance to Life rank.

What is five?


Three tips for staying safe on a campout.

What is it to stay in good physical shape, not bother wildlife, avoid hazardous areas, choose a safe campsite, use the buddy system, dress appropriately, pay attention to weather, don't run in camp, stay away from cooking area when not cooking, and be careful with sharp tools?


That which a Scout does at all times.

What is to help other people?


The acronym to think of when you suspect a stroke.

What is F.A.S.T.: Face, Arm, Speech, Time?


The founder of the first Boy Scout troop in America.

Who is Dan Beard?


All of the seventeen Eagle required merit badges (including the optional ones).

What are the First Aid, Cit. in the Community, Cit. in the Nation, Cit. in the World, Communication, Cooking, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness, Lifesaving, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Personal Management, Swimming, Hiking, Cycling, Camping, and Family Life merit badges?


The seven principles of Leave No Trace.

What is Plan Ahead and Prepare, Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces, Dispose of Waste Properly, Leave What You Find, Minimize Campfire Impacts, Respect Wildlife, and Be Considerate of Other Visitors?


That which a Scout keeps him/herself as. 

What is physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight?


The five warning signs of a heart attack.

What are chest pressure, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, and weakness?