Where in DM, do you find the Client of an account?
Fast Facts
FD screen that shows account record for personal identifying information?
BS screen
What is the superscreen?
What is the code for a both joint deceased account holders?
An account is assigned and the AH wants the balance, can you provide it?
No, you provide the agency info.
How do you get to a UDP?
Double click account number in account summary pane, then go to account detail pane, and click the user defined tab.
What screen in FD will you enter permanent notes?
Which screen do we enter deceased notification block code?
Before submitting a request for title/lien release, how many days should have passed?
21 NSF days
SCP Dispute Resolution Timeframe
60-90 days
What does EOLTXSIF mean
1099 C sett in full
Screen to search customer by social or phone number
Can you service an account with vision block code B?
No, transfer to BKO #8893
When do we not need to read the mini miranda?
Bko, deceased, archived, sif, pif
What is the bankruptcy coding in FD if the customer states they will be filing WITH attorney information?
Where do we find the co-applicant information?
Account summary pane, double click account information. Next maximize the pane account detail and on overview we scroll down and on joint account info
Where to view internal/external status code?
Pending bankruptcy
What disclosure do we read on a DDJ call?
No disclosure to be read
For who do we not read the non-liable disclosure?
Joint account holder
Where to view collateral information on an account
The Account Detail pane will refresh, click on USER DEFINED then Select Vision Plus Installment Collateral (VPINSTALLCOLL) #11799
If customer is calling stating “I may be filing Bankruptcy” w/o attorney, we must update the MISC1 filed with
In the OCAL screen, what are the two things that must be entered at the end of a deceased notification?
The RVW and the R-date
Used to locate Bankruptcy information and statuses on open and pending Bankruptcy cases.
If a customer receive a Remediation letter and calls in, we have to fill out ________________
Fill out Remediation Nintex