What Each Part Does

linear motion 

what is the resistance to acceleration in a linear motion is different from the resistance to acceleration in a rotational motion


Brake Pad

what is similar to threaded rod and nut, uses nut to release a brake pad which stops the vehicle


Competition Day

what is teams will have 8 minutes to complete 2 runs, egg must be placed above start point before run, adjustments may be made to scrambler during time period, must notify ES when starting run


static friction

what is the force on an object exceeds the static friction that is acting upon it, it begins to move



what is the string form one axle unwinds and wraps around the second axle until the axle takes lock. ( simple and easy to build but low accuracy


Practice Log

what is a practice log is not required but may be used by teams to help them have a more successful run. Parameters could include how much string is winded or vehicle time.


radial velocity 

what is radial velocity is easily related to the normal velocity


Threaded Rod and Nut

what is attach a nut to threaded rod. As the axle rotates, the nut moves towards the axle until it locks the axle and stops movement. high accuracy but hard to build



what is run Score = Distance Score + Time Score + Run Penalties. Distance Score = 2pts per cm x Vehicle Distance ( distance from end point to pointed end of egg) Time Score = Run Time ( when vehicle passes 0.5 m line to when it stops or passes 7 m line) Run Penalties = 150 points for Competition Violation 300 for Construction Violation


Braking Systems

what is string Type, Threaded Rod Type, Brake Pad Type, Ramp Scrambler, Spring Launcher, Hammer Scrambler, Pulley Launcher, Push Rod Launcher



what is a spring is pulled and released as the mass is being dropped. nearly maximum efficiency, difficult to build and very complex



what is timing Lines - 0.5m and 7m, Starting Point ( where vehicle starts), End Point/Target Distance/Terminal Barrier(8-12m). If egg hits the terminal barrier, it is considered a competition violation, Imaginary Center Line ( line connecting start line to end line


total energy of the rolling wheel

what is E=1/2(mR2+I)w2, E = total energy; m = mass of the wheel; R = radius of the wheel; I = rotational inertia of the wheel around its axel; ? (omega) = radial velocity



what is a pendulum hammer starts to fall and hits the scrambler from behind, easy to build, high dependence on mass used


Construction Parameters

what is vehicle and Energy Propulsion System must fit within imaginary rectangular box with 100cm x 50cm base and 100 cm height. Energy to propel vehicle must come from a falling mass that cannot exceed 2 kg, Use an unsharpened pencil to start release mechanism.