Screen Writing terms
Screen Writing terms
Screen Writing terms
Screen Writing terms
Screen Writing terms

scene description, character movement, and sounds described in the screenplay

What is action


a shot from a distance that establishes the location; it shows the viewer where we are

What is an establishing shot


used to suggest that an actor should pause before continuing

What is a beat


abbreviation for extreme close-up

what is E.C.U


Abbreviation for background; describes anything happening in the background of the scene

What is b.g.


simply a change in scene. We can either quickly "cut" to a new scene (immediate), or we can "dissolve"-- a slow blackening of the screen, followed by a slow re-lighting in the new scene

what is to cut to or dissolve


exterior setting: the scene takes place outdoors

What is Ext.


an editing transition whereby an image gradually appears on the screen; usually a film script begins with this.

 What is Fade in/Fade to


an editing transition whereby an image gradually disappears on the screen; usually a film script ends with this

What is Fade out


interior setting: the scene occurs in is indoors

What is INT.


can refer to spoken dialogue, but the person speaking is not "in the shot;" they are off-screen, but we hear it anyway

What is O.C./O.S.


When the camera moves across something

What is to pan


 the position from which an action of subject is seen, often determining its significance.

What is P.O.V.


Their names appear in ALL CAPS the first time the they appear; whenever they speaks, their name appears in ALL CAPS

What is a character


one image; there are many, many, many different types of these 

What is a shot


means what the camera sees, and there are specific types.

What is angle on


when the camera moves slowly across something

What is a slow pan


an event that takes place in one location or time; every time you change location or time it’s a new one of these; they are indicated by slug lines

What is a scene


Describes the position of the camera when it is above the subject

What is a high angle


when the camera moves quickly across something

What is a whip/swish/flash pan


a series of shots, usually without dialogue, which quickly tells a section of the story

What is a montage


direction for the actor to deliver their lines in a particular way

What is a parenthetical 


used as a transition or at the start of the slug line to indicate a sequence that happened in the past; may be followed by BACK TO PRESENT DAY

What is a flashback


the text in ALL CAPS at the beginning of a scene that described the location and time of day; slug lines are always short and direct and begin with either “INT.” or “EXT.”

What is a slug line


the voice of someone not seen in the image who is describing or commenting on the image that is taking place; often this is the character’s thoughts not said out loud

What is V.O.