What does the abbreviation HTN stand for?
What is a common associated symptoms for chest pain?
Shortness of breath
What is a normal range for sodium (Na) in a BMP?
135-145 mEq/L
What combo of words do we use at the end of the HPI after we have listed all the associated symptoms. Hint: it has to do with symptoms
Patient otherwise denies additional symptoms.
Most evil person in healthcare (is a CEO)
Prem Reddy
What does the abbreviation LLE refer to?
Left Lower Extremity
A patient reports they have been coughing for 3 days. What timeline phrase should be included in the HPI?
3-day history of a cough (or something similar)
What lab value is elevated in kidney failure?
Creatinine and BUN
Name the 4 things that MUST be included in the first sentence of an HPI
Patient’s age, gender, relevant medical history, and chief complaint.
Jokingly but also seriously said that if a patient is too large for our CT machine they may be sent where for the scan?
Pt 68/m w/ hx CHF, HTN pw CP
Patient is a 68 year old male with a hx of CHF and HTN presenting with chest pain
List three pertinent negatives to include when documenting a patient with abdominal pain. (hint: there are 3 and roll off tongue)
No nausea/vomiting and no diarrhea
What does a positive troponin indicate?
Possible myocardial infarction (heart attack)
___ bag is given to patients who present with severe alcohol intoxication
"The new episode of ___ was so good. It's on HBO you should watch"
The Penguin
Pt denies sob/cp/n/v/d/LOC
Patient denies shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of consciousness
Crushing sensation
In a CBC, what does a high WBC count suggest? (patient may look septic)
Possible infection or inflammation
Pin-point pupils indicate what type of overdose
Gen: A&O but mild uncomf
Lungs: Bilat crack lung base (-wheez)
Abd: RUQ T2P
Ext: 2+ PE in x2 LE exten up2 midshins.
Gen: Alert and oriented but appears mildly uncomftorable
Lungs: Bilateral crackles at the lung bases but no wheezing
Abd: Right upper quadrant tenderness to palpation
Ext: 2+ pitting edema of the bilateral lower extremities extending up to the mid shins
The following details are dictated by a physician in random order. Organize this information into the correct HPI format:
"The patient is a 45-year-old female with a history of gallstones presenting with a 2-hour history of sharp right upper quadrant abdominal pain. The pain is worse after eating a large meal. She reports associated nausea but denies vomiting, fever, or chills."
Normal vital signs (there are 4)
HR: 60-100
RR: 12-20
O2: 95-100