Book of Mormon
Current Day Prophets
Wild Card

This Prophet parted the Red Sea and freed the Israelite children from bondage.

Who is Moses?


This person finished the Book of Mormon and was the last Nephite.

Who is Moroni?


This section of D&C is the last section in the book, with it being a revelation given to Joseph F. Smith in 1918.

What is D&C Section 138?


This person is the current prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Who is Russell M Nelson?


What is the first word in 1st Nephi?

What is the word "I"?


This prophet was NOT eaten by a whale but instead was eaten by a large fish.

Who is Jonah?


This Nephite Prophet was the father of King Mosiah, and he stood on a tall tower to teach the Nephite people his teachings. 

Who was King Benjamin?


This section of D&C is about the restoration of the Aaronic preisthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry by John the Baptist.

What is D&C Section 13?


This person is the current president of the Quorm of the 12 Apostles.

Who is Dallin H. Oaks?


This city received the 60th dedicated temple of the Modern Dispensation.

What is Columbus, Ohio?

This person was the youngest son of Joseph and is also one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Who is Ephraim?


This person was Mahonri Moriancumer's brother.

Who was Jared?


This section of D&C is often read aloud at the beginning of mission meetings as it is about serving the Lord and his ministry.

What is D&C Section 4?


This prophet was the longest-serving prophet of the church, serving for nearly 30 years.

Who was Brigham Young?


This word in Hebrew means fixed, truth, and certanity, and is also the last word in the Bible.

What is Amen?


The 12 sons of Jacob included Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, and this person.

Who is Issachar?


Moroni buried the Book of Mormon in hill Cumorah in this year, which was also the same year Venice was founded.

What is 421 AD?


This D&C Section is about the worth of souls being great in the sight of the Lord.

What is D&C Section 18?


This person was the 11th Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served as the prophet from 1972 - 1973.

Who was Harold B. Lee?


This word is the longest word in the Old Testament and means "Hurry to the Spoils".

What is Maher-shalal-hash-baz?

This city where Philemon was born was also on the receiving end of one of Paul's epistels.

What is Colossae?


This Nephite chief captain fought against Giddianhi and the Gadiaton robbers at the beginning of 3rd Nephi.

Who was Gidgiddoni?


This Section of D&C was a revelation given to Joseph Smith in Ramus, Illinois, in April 1843.

What is D&C Section 130?


This prophet was the Great-Nephew of Joseph Smith?

Who was Joseph Fielding Smith?


This is the number of times the phrase "and it came to pass" is said in the Book of Mormon.

What is 1,353?