What town was Jesus born in?
Who changed his name when he turned to God?
Saul changed his name to Paul
Acts 13
Who gave Joseph Smith and Oliver Corwdery the Melchizedek priesthood?
Peter, James, and John
JSH 1:72
Where was the people's language confounded?
The Tower of Babel
Genesis 11
When bitten by snakes in the wilderness, what did the Israelites have to do?
Look at the Brass Serpent
Numbers 21
Who was asked of the Lord to sacrifice his son?
Genesis 22:2
Who saved two of each animal from the great floods?
Genesis 7
Who was converted along with the Sons of Mosiah?
Alma the Younger
Mosiah 27
Who was sold by his brothers into slavery?
Genesis 37
What did Moses do to save the Israelites from the Egyptians chasing them?
Moses split the Red Sea
Exodus 14
Who was converted by Abinadi just before he was killed?
Alma the elder
Mosiah 17
Who was the King who had Abinadi killed?
King Noah
Mosiah 17
Who was the first person to see the resurrected Lord?
Mary Magdalene
Who was converted by Ammon?
King Lamoni
Alma 18-19
Who gave up his inheritance for some food?
Genesis 25