Who built an ark to escape from the flood?
Who baptized Jesus Christ?
John the Baptist
Who was Lehi's youngest son?
Who was Joseph Smith's wife?
Emma Smith
Who did Joseph Smith see in a Pillar of Light?
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt while turning back to look at the destruction of Sodom?
Lot's wife
Which Apostle Refers to himself as Christ's Beloved?
What book is between the book of Enos and Omni?
The book of Jarom
Who lost the 116 pages of manuscript?
Martin Harris
Which city was taken up into heaven?
The city of Enoch (Zion)
Who was King of Israel after Saul and Before Solomon?
King David
Name at least 6 of the Twelve Apostles from the New Testament
Simon Peter, James (son of Zebedee), John, Matthew, Thomas, Philip, Bartholomew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus/Lebbaeus/Judas (brother of James), Simon the Canaanite (called Zelotes), and Judas Iscariot.
Who lead the army of stripling warriors?
Who was the first Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Joseph Smith Sr.
Which Facsimile remains to this day largely untranslated?
Facsimile NO. 2
Which book in the Old Testament is also known as The Preacher?
The Book of Ecclesiastes
Which Apostle replaced Judas?
Name at least 3 of the Twelve Apostles in the Book of Mormon
Nephi, Timothy, Jonas, Mathoni, Mathonihah, Kumen, Kumenonhi, Jeremiah, Shemnon, Jonas, Zedekiah, and Isaiah
Which section did Joseph Smith term the "olive leaf"?
Section 88
What did people call the letter Joseph Smith wrote containing the Articles of Faith?
The Wentworth Letter
What was the name of Leah (the Patriarch Jacob's wife) daughter?
Where are the disciples first called Christians?
What is the Brother of Jared's name?
Mahorni Moriancumer
What test do you use to distinguish if an angelic messenger is from God or Satan?
You ask to shake their hand
Which Apostle first made the collection known as the Pearl of Great Price?
Elder Franklin D. Richards