Bible 101
Bible 2.0
Bible 365
According to Isaiah 40, what will come to those who wait on (hope in) The Lord?
What is renewed strength (Isaiah 40:28-31)
Since Psalm 139:12-16 teaches that God forms each person in his mothers womb, what can we conclude about abortion?
What is it is murder
Which book os the Bible ends with the following exhortation: "Man's duty is to fear God and keep his commandments"
What is Ecclesiastes
Explain from Matthew 21:42 what is meant by, "the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."
What is Jesus is referring to himself as "the stone the builders rejected." Although Jesus was rejected by many of his people, He became the cornerstone of his new building, the Church
Describe God's instructions from the book of Sirach 2:1-4
What is When you come to serve The Lord, prepare yourself for trials, be sincere of heart, and undisturbed in time of adversity. Cling to God and your future will be great. Accept whatever befalls you, and be patient in any misfortunes.
Which book of the New Testament is categorized as a book of histroy?
What is the Acts of the Apostles
After Israel passed through the Red Sea on dry ground and the Egyptians drowned, what did Moses do?
What is he wrote a song of praise to God (Exodus 15)
In the book of Job, God refers to Job as a man who feared God and avoided evil (Job 2:6-12) When then did Job come to such misfortune?
What is The Lord described Job to Satan as being blameless, upright, fearing God and avoiding evil. Satan's reply was that Job had no reason to fear God, because God had surrounded him with Gods protection. Satan tempted God to put forth his hand on what Job had and destroyed it. Satan thought this would cause Job to blaspheme God to His face. God knew Jobs strength and love for God would never cause him to fail. So instead God told Satan not to lay a hand on Job, but gave Satan power over all that Job had.
Which book of the New Testament is categorized as a book of Prophecy?
What is Revelation
According to Matthew 20:26-28, what must we do in order to be greatly honored by God for all eternity?
What is we must serve others
According to Colossians 3:23, with what attitude should Christians do there work?
What is with whole hearts as if working for God
In light of Matthew 19:3-6, what is God's view on marriage?
What is what God has joined together let no man separate
What does Jesus teach about worrying in Luke Chapter?
What is worrying shows a lack of trust in God (Luke 12:22-34)
Which person in the bible said to God, "when your words came, I ate them, they were my joy and hearts delight?"
What is Jeremiah
According to Proverbs 31:30, what personal quality has eternal value?
What is Inward beauty produced though having a right relationship with God