Scrum Events
Scrum Lingo
The Scrum Team
Scrum Songs

A framework within people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value

What is Scrum?

This high speed event usually lasts between 2-4 weeks.
What is the Sprint?
Texas Hold'em is a close cousin of this estimation tool.
What is Planning Poker?

This person is ultimately responsible for team delivery. Often ensures team impediments are resolved.

Who is the Scrum Master?


Popular song by this band, suggests to teams and stakeholders that when it comes to solving problems, “we can work it out” when we work together. 

Who is The Beatles?


This guide, created by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, completely defines scrum in just 14 pages. It is maintained independently of any company or vendor and is available in over 30 languages

What is The Scrum Guide?


A meeting for the team to plan their day.

What is the Daily Standup or Daily Scrum?

The format is as follows: As a ___ I want to ___ so that ___.
What is a User Story?

Professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable Increment of “Done” product at the end of each Sprint.

What is a Development Team?


This early 00's emo band highlights an important scrum principle with their hit "There's no I in Team."

Who is Taking Back Sunday?


A shared understanding, within the Scrum Team, of what it means for work to be complete.

What is the Definition of "Done"?


A tool Scrum teams use to Inspect and Adapt at the end of every development cycle.

What is a Retrospective?


This is the primary measure of progress for an Agile development team.

What is working software?

This is the person ultimately responsible for the product. He/She sets the vision and prioritizes the backlog.
Who is the Product Owner?

Popular 90's song by TLC suggests that those practicing Scrum "Don't go chasing" this. Also known as a linear method for sequentially developing software based on a fully defined plan. 

What are waterfalls?


In 2001 several software industry leaders gathered at Snowbird ski resort and published this document describing a now famous approach to software development.

What is the Agile Manifesto?


The team demonstrates and receives feedback on the product at this meeting.

What is the Sprint Review/Demo.


The number of story points that the team can complete in a given sprint.

What is the velocity?

These are the people who enable the project and for whom the project will produce the agreed-upon benefit(s).
Who are the Stakeholders?

This artist released the mega hit "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" in 1967. Respect is also one of the five Scrum values.

Who is Aretha Franklin?


The foundation of scrum that asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known.

What is the empirical process?


Provides guidance to the Development team on why it is building the increment. Created during the the Sprint Planning Meeting. 

What is a Sprint Goal?

Waterfall projects have fixed requirements and usually negotiate Cost and Schedule. Agile projects negotiate this.
What is Scope?

Small and nimble enough to complete significant work during a sprint, this team is self-managing.

Who is the development team?


Scrum Teams eventually get "Into the Groove" and go through the forming, norming, storming and finally, to the performing phase of team development, as coined by Bruce Tuckman. This artist had a hit in 1987 of the same name. 

Who is Madonna?