What is a stoppage?
Any interruption in the cycle functioning caused by faulty weapon action of the weapon or faulty ammunition.
What does "NIS" stand for?
Not in Stock
What does "MSDS" stand for?
Material Safety Data Safety
Who is the Chairperson for the safety council?
What are the 3 circumstances that lead to the creation of the Navy?
Barbary Pirates
Renewed aggression from France
What is trajectory?
The flight path the bullet takes from the weapon to the target.
What does "ARP" stand for?
Automotive Repair Parts
What does SCBA stand for?
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
What is the noise range for double ear protection?
What is the birthday of the Navy?
13 October 1775
What do "FPL" and "PDF" stand for?
Final Protective Line and Principle Direction of Fire
What does "CSR" stand for?
Central Storeroom
What does "HICS" stand for?
Hazardous Material Inventory Control System
What is a Class "B" fire?
How many air strips were built and maintained during WW2?
111 Air strips
What are the 7 types of grenades?
Fragmentation/Illuminating MK-1/ Chemical M25A2 CS/ Incendiary AN-M14/ Smoke/ Practice(Training)/ Concussion
What does "MLO" stand for?
Material Liason Office
What form is MSDS?
OSHA Form 174
What extinguishers can you use for a Class "B" fire?
Foam, CO2, PKP, Multi-purpose ABC
What is the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks known as today?
What are 4 classes of fire to the target?
Oblique fire
Enfilade fire
What does "CTR" stand for?
Central Tool Room
What are the 9 harzard classification codes?
Hazardous Gases
Flammable liquids
Flammable solids
Toxic Materials
Radioactive Materials
Corrosive Materials
What is Hazard Probaility?
The likelihood that a hazard with result in a mishap.
Where did CMA3 Marvin G. Shields earn his Medal of Honor?
Dong Xoai