This quest character might be seen at the super market or dentist office wearing a hard hat
of extravert/introvert personalities these type people may be friendly, talkative, and need relationships
the G in the acronym GROW coaching model
Famous Introvert that historically in 1955 refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white man
Rosa Parks
Of the four skills that make up emotional intelligence this one may entail a leader accurately perceiving this own emotions
this quest character famously talks in the third person
of the sensors and intuitive personality people these folks tend to jump in anywhere and leap over steps
the R in the acronym for the GROW coaching model
Famous extravert that is responsible for the building of the most popular amusement park every created that bears his name.
Walt Disney
Of the four skills that make up Emotional Intelligence a leader may manage his/her own emotions. Acting or choosing not to act.
this quest character tends to always play the nurturing mother and avoids conflict at all costs
of the personality groups thinker and feelers this group may be more inclined to us elogic and decide with their heads
the W in the GROW coaching model
Way Forward
Famous Feeler most associated with his fight against apartheid in South Africa.
Nelson Mandela
Of the four skills of that make up Emotional Intelligence this skill may show up as a leader learning to pick up on emotions of the employee.
Social Awareness
this quest character is known to have a bad temper and may not always "see the big picture"
of the personality groups judgers and perceivers this group might prefer an organized life under control
the O in the GROW coaching model
Famous Thinker most associated with his dominance in the game of chess.
Bobby Fischer
This si one of the four skills of Emotional Intelligence. A leader may use his/her own awareness of their own emotions and those of the employee to manage interactions succesfully.
Relationship management
this quest character could be seen riding his bicycle through downtown Chicago and is known as "the ghost"
of the personality type judgers and perceivers this personality type might like to go with the flow and make deadines at last minute
Which famous Window derived by two names can be used to help both the employee and supervisor realize that there are skills, abilities, knowledge and goals
Johari Window
This famous extravert is know as "The Greatest" boxer of all time.
Muhammed Ali
These two authors wrote the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Travis Bradberry and Jean Graves