Entering the Classroom
Behavior & Consequences
Sources & POV
After lining up and right before you enter the classroom what do you do?
Give Ms. Mendoza a handshake.
What is Ms. Mendoza's number one rule?
Be respectful.
Finish the sentence: You are considered tardy if....
...you are not in your seat by the time the bell rings.
What is proper heading? Be specific!
Name (First & Last) Date Period
Define primary source.
A document or physical object from the given historical time period.
Once you enter the classroom what is the first thing you should do before sitting down?
Check for materials (copies) next to the water fountain.
If you are not following procedure or misbehaving what is the first consequence you get?
Warning/ Redirection.
If you are tardy what is the first thing you should do?
Stand by the door so Ms. Mendoza can take attendance and mark you tardy.
When do you turn in homework and where?
Homework will be turned in at the end of the period into the appropriate box.
Define secondary source.
Something written outside of the given historical time period based on primary documents.
Once you sit down, what is the first thing you should do?
Take out your planner and write down your homework.
If you continue to misbehave or not follow procedure after the first step, what is the next consequence (#2)?
In class behavioral reflection (at the reflection corner).
If you are tardy how does that affect your citizenship grade?
Everyone starts with 20 points in citizenship, for each tardy you receive you will be deducted one point.
What three things do you need to do before you are dismissed? Also, what will Ms. Mendoza say?
1. Pack up your stuff/ clean up. 2. Push in your chair. 3. Stand up by your desk. Ms. Mendoza will say: SDSU goodbye/have a nice day.
Give two examples of secondary source.
Examples: Textbook Historical Essay Biographies Encyclopedia
There is a rule that has two parts about entering the classroom, what is the rule. Hints: #1- Has to do with 2 body parts. #2- Starts with the letter Q
You keep your hands and your feet to yourself. You enter the classroom QUIETLY.
If you continue to misbehave and/or not follow procedure after the first two steps, what is the next consequence (#3)?
Strike Sheet (Reflection in a different class)/ Detention/ Parent Contact.
What are the first two consequences for the first two times you are tardy?
1st tardy = warning 2nd tardy= 10 minute detention
If you want to use a hall pass what are the three main steps?
1. Turn in your hall pass (fill out the date). 2. Sign out on the hall pass sheet (and sign back in when you return). 3. Take a hall pass that is hanging by the door.
Give four examples of primary sources.
Diary, newspaper, political cartoon, song, film.
After you write down your homework in your planner, what should you be working on?
The first agenda item (typically the warm-up).
What is the final consequence to misbehavior or lack of following procedure?
Referral and Parent Contact.
What are the consequences for the following: -Tardy 3-7 = ? -Tardy 8+ = ?
Tardy 3-7 = 30 minute detention/ parent contact Tardy 8+ = Referral
Name three of the topics that were mentioned on the syllabus that we will be learning about this semester.
Answers will vary.
What does POV stand for? Define POV. What are two things that influence it?
1. Point of View. 2. A person's worldview. 3. Can be influenced by: Race/Ethnicity/Culture Political Affiliation (Democrat v. Republican) Religion Social Status (rich v. poor) Gender (Male v. Female)