The Phylum of the Sea Bunny
What is Mollusca?
how do sea bunnies protect themselves?
they spray toxins
True or False: sea bunnies can fit on your fingertip
True or False: are sea bunnies cute?
YES if you said no minus 10,000
The Class of the Sea Bunny
What is Gastropoda?
What does the sea bunny do that changes their color?
Eating! they change colors based on what they eat
True or False: Sea bunnies live everywhere from the coast of japan to Australia
True! they also inhabit the Philippines and Papa New Guinea
How big is a sea bunny?
Most are less than an inch or 2.5 centimeters long
The Order of the Sea Bunny
What is Jorunna?
True or False: Sea bunnies are canniables
True! they are carnivorous
Are sea bunnies male or female?
Neither! They are hermaphrodites so they can switch their gender as needed
What is the pair of ¨ears¨ on their head actually?
They are sensory organs called rhinophores. They help the sea bunny to detect chemical scents in the water column
The Scientific Name of the Sea Bunny
What is Jorunna Parva?
Are sea bunnies edible?
Technically yes! Their predators include cone snails, crabs, sea hares
Are sea bunnies furry?
No they actually have small rods called caryophyllidia
The Family of the Sea Bunny
What is Discodorididae?
how long do sea bunnies live?
a few months to a year