Is the starting point in understanding where a behaviour is at before trying to change it
Baseline data
Involves numbers and countable behaviours
Quantitative Data Collection
Begin recording when you see the behaviour/event.
ABC method of data collection
Unplanned observation that you record after the event has occurred
Observer must make a decision in the moment about what behaviours fit the target of the observation.
High degree of selectivity
Does not preserve raw data (does not include context for behaviour)
Closed method
This data collection method measures the number of times something occurs.
Frequency data collection
Is less reliable and relies on memory
This method focuses on recording presence or absence of a behaviour during an interval of time.
Time sampling
The student was sad is an example of ...
Subjective language
"The child looks so unhappy" is an example of what?
Subjective language?
Continuously record as much detail as possible about what a child says and does.
Narrative data collection
You will choose this when you want to know how often, how much or how long a behaviour lasts.
Quantitative data collection
Frequency, duration and time sampling are what type of data collection.
Quantitative data collection
Mixing up the order of events is called....
Errors of transmission
When you forget to include important details in your observation.
Errors of omission
This method measures the length of time a behaviour occurs.
Duration method
Consists of tallies on a data sheet every time a behaviour occurs
Is a more efficient qualitative method than the narrative.
ABC method
What happens immediately before the behaviour occurs is called...
Narrative, ABC, Frequency, Duration methods are all examples of formal or informal observation methods?
Formal Observation Methods
This method is not appropriate for behaviours that happen too quickly to count accurately.
Frequency method
Receiving information through your eyes and ears is called...
Gives us a clear understanding about the context and causes of a behaviour...
Qualitative data collection
The child was smiling and laughing during the game is an example of ....
Objective language