What bubble guppies character scared me for so many years?
The Bandit
when i was younger, i was so anxious that no matter how sick i was, i would not what?
i would not take a pill
what is my favorite marvel proejct, 2 answers will be accepted:
wandavision and loki
What major am i studying?
What is my favorite drink? (non alcoholic and alcoholic answers will be accepted)
shirley temple - dirty shirlet
coke - rum and coke
what creatures was sean scared of finding in his bed?
bed bugs and spiders
how do i physically experience anxiety?
what is my favorite food: 2 answers willl be accepted:
dumplings, cheeseburger
what specific college am i in?
Moody college of communication
what is the title of the film i’m working on right now
dive catch release
sean was so scared that he got rid of his fish tank. what was he scared of?
he was scared that the shrimp crawled out and it was plotting and he would find it in his bed
Angela was the name of my therapist, what was her actual profession?
middle school counselor
What is my favorite movie: 2 answers will be accepted:
La la land, everything everywhere all at once
what council am i part of? what committee?
communication council media committee
what animal did i do for my second grade animal project
what was sean scared of seeing on the floor in his bedroom?
hint: this fear started at mimi’s house (for some reason)
he was scared of seeing the head of dads werewolf costume on the floor with wheels
as we have learned, my auto immune disease is severely affected by anxiety, what is the name of my auto immune? spell it.
Behçet's disease
what is my favorite flower: 2 answers will be acceted:
lotus and lilly
what's the name of the tv show i'm apart of?
Sneak peek
what is my favorite book series of all time
the land of stories
why did sean insist on sleeping with the comforter all the way up?
he was scared a cheetah would pounce on him and scratch him to death if he wasn’t “protected”
In my 6th grade spelling be, what was the word I got wrong, and how did i spell it
feet (v e e t)
What is my favorite song and who wrote it:
did you know that there is a tunnel under ocean blvd by lana del rey
What is the name of where i work on campus and bonus points what my job title
CTL center for teaching and learning - communication specialist
who is sean most likely to be on the phone with at 3 am? Bonus points if you get the full name
Lizbeth Mendez