Seb's Lovely World
Fun Facts
The Clone Wars

Seb started playing on this year

What is 2018?

This Austrian archduke was assassinated on June 28th 1914

What is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

This European country is known for its neutrality as well as speaking 4 languages

What is Switzerland?


In season four of 2008's The Clone Wars, the so called Umbara arch was stared by these individuals, as well as featuring one of the fandoms most hated Jedi general

What are The Clones? What is Pong Krell?


Seb is located in this US time zone

What is CST?

Seb joined Stoneworks on this month

What is April?


After the war, these two empires were disolved, and their territories were used to stablish several countries 

What are the Ottoman & Austro-Hungarian Empire?


The Giant golden-crowned flying fox can reach a wingspan of up to 5'6 and lives in this Asian country 

What is The Philippines?


Jedi Master Plo Koon is one of the most iconic members of the Jedi council, as well as his clone commander

What is Commander Wolffe?


Daily Double!!

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Seb's career as "the art or science of building or constructing edifices of any kind for human use".

What is Architecture?


In his early days on the server, Seb was obsessed with finding this structure and getting a certain template

What is an Ocean Monument? What is a Tide?

In 1917, the Germans sent this telegram to Mexico asking them to invade the US

What is the Zimmerman Telegram?


Daily Double!!

This famous Dutch painter, famously cut of his ear, as well as never selling more than one painting

What is Van Gogh?


This Jedi general appeared during the Mon Cala arch, as well as aiding Mace Windu during his arrest of Palpatine

What is Kit Fisto?


An unspecified amount of years ago, Seb was born in this day. This happens to be the same day as the first US president that was born in Hawaii, as well as enacting the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"

What is the 4th of August?


Seb has used this phrase, referring to himself, in more than one occasion during a pvp fight

What is "I'm a bed wars bow main"?


Daily Double!!

This British soldier is known for allegedly sparing the life of one short mustached individual

What is Henry Tandey?


This island in the middle of the Pasific Ocean is known as the loneliest point on earth, with the closest human beings being those at the ISS

What is Point Nemo?


This clone appeared in several episodes of 2008's Clone Wars, as well as being the oldest clone

What is Kix?


After one of the Agaar Havo meetings, Seb told Syd about of the following historical events:

-The 1856-1857 Costa Rican-Nicaraguan war

-The 1803-1815 Napoleonic wars 

-The 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian war

What is the1856-1857 Costa Rican-Nicaraguan war?



In German, this word is used to describe a very slap-able face

What is "Backpfeifengesicht"?


This German pilot is well known for the color of his aircraft, as well as being credited with 80 air combat victories

What is the "Red Baron"?


This South American rodent was categorized by the Catholic Church as a fish 

Wha is Capybara?

This clone captain served with Anakin Skywalker throughout the war, as well as having a friendship with Commander Cody

What is Captain Rex?


This phrase is most commonly used by Seb to express both disappointment and a lack of hope for humanity

What is "Bruh"?