When did Jehovah allow man to be able to eat meat?
Ater the flood in Noah's Day
Name the king who wanted to build a tower to the heavens?
How many people are named Judas in the bible?
B. 3
Who is the Man Who asked Jehovah for Wisdom in his dreams?
What man toppled a temple with his bare hands killing everyone and himself?
What was the mountain where Moses received the 10 commandments called?
Mount Sinai
Who was the one who lead the isrealites to create a golden calf
What chapter of genesis were Adam and Eve both convinced by Satan to eat the fruit?
There is no such chapter.
Only eve was deceived but then shared it with her husband.
What was the name of the Lady in jericho who helped two spies safely escape from Jericho?
This prophet proved to about 400 prophets of Baal and spectators that Jehovah is the one true God. Who was this man?
Name 2 miracles
Every 2 miracles you name you get another 500 points
Changing water into wine
Healing the royal official's son in Capernaum
Healing the paralytic at Bethesda
Feeding those on the sermon on the mount
Jesus walking on water(paul too)
Healing the man blind from birth
The red sea parting
Jehovah laying waste to different nation
True or False:
The Bible supports the idea that everything in life is fated to happen
What was the name of David's son who temporarily usurped David's kingship and died while suspended in a tree
Which of these people kept asking for a human monarch to rule over them?
A. Israelites
B. Bogusites
C. Jerichites
D. Jews
The philistine's lead infantryman was taken out by this future king of God's people, who would end up being an ancestor to Jesus
What man was appointed as Moses successor, spied out the promised land and did not participate in calf worship
Why did King Solomon lose the kingdom he was given to by Jehovah?
He allowed paganism to enter into his lifes
How many people came to discourage Job?
His three friends and his wife
Who asked Jehovah to make the Sun stand still?
Haman had persuaded the King to see the Jews as a threat and to execute them as they were threats to the public. Esther was able to convince the King otherwise with the help of her cousin. What was his name?
In the book of Judges, when Deborah informed Barak of a women that would Kill Sisera, who was this woman who killed him?
How many birthdays are mentioned in the bible?
Who led a group of people to build a large tower to the heavens
Who is the King who was tricked into creating a law which got Daniel thrown into the lions pit?
King Darius
Jeremiah's courage and endurance were matched by his love for his people. He wasn't afraid to call out any priests, prophets, and rulers who were not faithful to Jehovah. What books of the bible did he write?
Jeremiah and Lamentations