(American Revolution,
(American Revolution,
(American Revolution,
(American Revolution,
(American Revolution,

What year did the American Revolution begin?



Which foreign nation provided significant military and financial support to the American colonies during the Revolution?



What was the slogan used by American colonists to protest the Stamp Act, emphasizing their belief in the principle of "no taxation without representation"?

"No taxation without representation"


Which battle, fought in New York in 1776, was the largest battle of the Revolutionary War and resulted in a significant victory for the British?

Battle of Long Island (or Battle of Brooklyn)


What incident, in which colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians, dumped tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea Act, occurred in 1773?

Boston Tea Party


Which event marked the beginning of the armed conflict between British troops and American colonists?

Battles of Lexington and Concord


What treaty officially ended the American Revolutionary War, granting recognition of American independence and establishing boundaries for the new nation?

Treaty of Paris (1783)


Who was the commander of the British forces during much of the American Revolution?

General William Howe


What was the final major military action of the American Revolution, fought in 1781 in Virginia?

Battle of Yorktown


What was the name of the law passed by the British Parliament in 1764, which imposed duties on sugar, molasses, and other products imported into the American colonies?

Sugar Act


Who wrote the influential pamphlet "Common Sense," which argued for American independence from Britain?

Thomas Paine


Which American general famously crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776 to launch a surprise attack on Hessian forces at Trenton?

George Washington


Which event, often considered a precursor to the American Revolution, resulted in the deaths of five colonists in Boston in 1770?

Boston Massacre


What nickname was given to American colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown during the Revolution?

Loyalists (or Tories)


Who famously declared, "Give me liberty, or give me death!" in a speech urging American colonists to fight for independence from Britain?

Patrick Henry


What was the name of the document adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, declaring the 13 American colonies independent from British rule?

Declaration of Independence


What was the name of the British general who surrendered to American forces at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, effectively ending major combat operations in the Revolutionary War

General Cornwallis


What was the name of the group of American patriots who organized protests and boycotts against British policies leading up to the Revolution?

Sons of Liberty


Who served as the commander of the Continental Army throughout most of the American Revolution?

George Washington


What was the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War in 1763, but also contributed to tensions between Britain and its American colonies?

Treaty of Paris (1763)


Which battle is often considered the turning point of the American Revolution, boosting American morale and leading to French support for the American cause?

Battle of Saratoga


Which British law imposed taxes on paper goods such as newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards, leading to widespread protests in the American colonies?

Stamp Act


Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson


What was the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War in 1763, but also contributed to tensions between Britain and its American colonies?

Treaty of Paris (1763)


What was the primary purpose of the Olive Branch Petition, sent to King George III by the Second Continental Congress in 1775?

To propose a reconciliation between the American colonies and Great Britain, avoiding further conflict.