Your Mom asked you to help clean up after dinner and you ignored her.
yes (against 4th commandment)
When saying a prayer, you said, "God, please help me."
No (follows #2 you did not take the Lord's name in vain)
Who is the pastor of St. Peter's Church?
Fr. Quinn
Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Haily Mary
My friend forgot to study for a test, so I let him copy his answers from my test.
Yes (against #8, do not lie)
You were really sick and you didn't go to church on Sunday.
You were really mad at your cousin and you yelled out God's name because you were so mad.
Yes (against #2, do not take God's name in vain)
Who is the archbishop and cardinal of New York?
Cardinal Dolan
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Our Father
When I went to church on Sunday, I watched a soccer game on my father's phone because it was the only time it was on.
Yes (against #3 - go to mass and participate in it)
You didn't feel like going to church because you wanted to play with your friend.
yes (against commandment #3 - go to mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation)
You repeated a rumor you heard about a new girl in your class.
yes (against #8 - do not lie or spread rumors)
Name one other priest (besides Fr. Quinn) at St. Peter's.
Fr. Edwin and Fr. Roshan
Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil
St. Michael the Archangel
My brother called me a name so I punched him
yes (aginst #5, do not hurt others)
You saw a really cool set of markers at school and they weren't yours, but you decided to bring them home and keep them for yourself.
Yes. (against #7 - Do not steal)
Your Dad asked you to clean your room and even though you didn't feel like cleaning, you did it.
No (follows #4 - obey your mother and father)
What is the name of the Pope?
Pope Francis
I firmly intend with your help to do penance, to sin no more and to avoid whatever leads me to sin
Act of Contrition
I was shopping in Whole Foods and I took a bag of chips that I didn't pay for.
Yes (against #7 do not steal)
You forgot to study for a test, so you copied the answers from your classmate.
Yes (against #8 - do not lie)
I'm really upset because I went to my friend's apartment and he had the coolest toys. I want toys like his. It's not fair that my parents won't buy those for me.
Yes. (against #10, don't covet your neighbor's goods)
Name the saint who went to St. Peter's Church.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good
Act of Contrition
I was tired and my Mom asked me to get ready for bed, but I wanted to get ready for bed, so I yelled at her.
Yes (against #4, obey your mother and father)