2 dimes, 3 nickels, 1 quarter, 5 pennies
What is 65 cents?
I have one coin in my pocket. The value of my coin is less than 4 cents. What is the change in my pocket?
What is one penny?
How much money do you have if you have 2 quarters, 1 dime and 1 nickel?
What is 65 cents?
Which coin would you use if you were skip-counting by 5's
What is a nickel?
How many dimes make a dollar?
What is 10?
5 dimes and 2 quarters,
What is $1.00?
I have two coins in my pocket. The value of my coins is 10 cents. Both coins are silver. What is the change in my pocket?
What is 2 nickels?
How much money is 1 quarter, 5 dimes, and 4 pennies?
What is 79 cents?
How much is a quarter worth?
What is 25 cents?
How many pennies make a dollar?
What is 100?
2 nickels, 2 dimes, 6 pennies, 2 quarters
What is 86 cents?
I have three coins in my pocket. I have less than 10 cents. I have less than 5 cents. What is the change in my pocket?
What is 3 pennies?
How much is 3 quarters and 1 nickel?
What is 80 cents?
How many pennies would equal the same as one nickel?
What is 5 pennies?
How many nickels make 25 cents?
What is 5?
7 nickels, 3 dimes, 10 pennies
What is 75 cents?
How much is 5 dimes and 5 nickels?
What is 75 cents?
Which coin is worth the most out of a dime, nickel, penny or quarter?
What is a quarter?
How many quarters make 2 dollars?
What is 8?
4 dimes, 2 quarters, 10 pennies, i nickel
What is $1.05?
I have one coin in my pocket. My coin is worth more than 1 cent. My coin is worth more than 5 cents. My coin is worth less than 25 cents. What is the change in my pocket?
What is a dime?
How much is 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies?
What is 77 cents?
If you have 3 ten dollar bills. How much money do you have?
What is $30?