Ayleen has 2 quarters, 1 dime and 1 nickel? What is the total value of all the money that Ayleen has altogether?
What is 65 cents
Which coin would you use if you were skip-counting by 5's
What is a nickel
How many quarters make 75 cents?
What is 3
Kele has 1 quarter, 5 dimes, and 4 pennies? What is the total value of all the money that Kele has altogether?
What is 79 cents.
How many dimes make a 50 cents?
What is 5
Ms. Pintella has 3 quarters and 1 nickel? What is the total value of all the money that Ms. Pintella has altogether?
What is 80 cents.
Fatima has 5 dimes and 5 nickels? What is the total value of all the money that Fatima has altogether?
What is 75 cents.
How many pennies make one quarter?
What is 25.
Adriel has 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies? What is the total value of all the money that Adriel has altogether?
What is 77 cents.
How many quarters would equal 3 one dollar bills do you have?
What is 12 quarters