Famous Americans
More Famous Americans
She led the struggle to give women equal rights, including the right to vote.
Who is Susan B. Anthony?
She was a leader for equal rights for all people. She volunteered for many organizations.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
We celebrate those who served our country in the military in the month of November.
What is Veteran's Day?
The boy breaks the window. He is scared but decides to go tell the owner about his mistake.
What is honesty and trustworthiness?
A symbol that shows direction such as North, East, South, and West.
What is a compass rose?
She overcame her disabilities and worked to help others who were blind and deaf.
Who is Helen Keller?
He was born in Virginia. He was a farmer. He became a brave leader of soldiers. He was the first president of the United States. He is known as the “Father of Our Country.”
Who is George Washington?
We celebrate his accomplishments of equality for all people and ending segregation.
What is Martin Luther King Jr. Day?
The boy's friend wants him to talk in the hallway, but he thinks about it and decides to give him the quiet signal.
What is self-discipline?
A list of shapes and symbols used on a map and an explanation of what each stands for.
What is a map legend?
He was the first African American player in the major leagues of baseball. His actions helped to bring about other opportunities for African Americans.
Who is Jackie Robinson?
He proved that electricity was present in lightning through his kite experiment. He started the first library and the first volunteer fire department in America.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
This is a day to remember Christopher Columbus, who is given credit for discovering America. It is observed in October.
What is Columbus Day?
She gets home each afternoon and starts her homework without being reminded.
What is self-reliance?
The act of giving or doing something.
What is contribution?
He was an African American minister who worked so that all people would be treated fairly. He led peaceful marches and gave speeches.
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?
He was the President of the United States who helped to free African American slaves.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
The day we remember all United States presidents, especially George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. It is observed in February.
What is President's Day?
The boy decides he wants to help clean up his neighborhood by picking up trash on his street.
What is improving the school and community?
A place where people live, work, and play
What is community?
A scientist that developed over 300 ways to use peanuts.
Who is George Washington Carver?
He led the fight for freedom from England and helped establish a new country.
Who is George Washington?
This is a holiday to remember when America became a new country. It is sometimes called America’s birthday. It is observed in July.
What is the Fourth of July or Independence Day?
Susie borrowed a reading book from the library. She made sure to keep it clean and the pages straight.
What is protecting the rights and property of others?
The number of people living in a community
What is population?