The timeline of the 2nd Industrial Revolution
The 4 stages of the economic cycle
Growth, Crisis, Recession and Recovery
assembly lines were created by this man
Henry Ford
Oil and Electricity
Explain consumerism
Preoccupation with buying unnecessary products
Chemical, Textile, Electrical, etc.
What are some cultural changes as a consequence of the 2nd IR?
Socializing, birth of consumerism, shift to secularism
What was the first global recession?
The Panic of 1873
Factory management system developed by Fred Winslow Taylor that broke work down into a series of individual tasks, each to be carried out by the most suitable worker that was hired, trained and given the necessary equipment.
Explain what a monopoly is and why did they happen?
Companies shares can be bought and sold more easily at a _____?
a stock exchange
Give 2 examples of new business structures and explain how they work.
Examples: Cartels, trusts, holding companies.
Check with prof for explanations.
Explain a joint-stock company
Companies owned by multiple shareholders who each invested capital in return for a share of the profits.
How did the Industrial Revolutions impact the theory of communism?
Social injustices, harsh working conditions and economic disparity ($) of factory owner versus factory worker influenced Marx and Engels to develop communism and a new economic model.