Case studies

This personality trait is associated with being sociable and enjoying interaction with others.

What is extroversion?


This term refers to the preferences individuals have for obtaining, processing, and retaining information.

What is learning style?


This type of motivation drives language learners to acquire a new language for practical benefits such as career advancement, educational achievements, or other utilitarian purposes.

What is instrumental motivation?


This type of instruction focuses on how learners process input rather than just the output.

What is processing instruction?


In a language class, students are encouraged to discuss environmental issues and propose solutions in groups.

How does the teacher focus on meaning in his lesson?


Individuals with this trait are often more reflective and enjoy solitary activities like reading.

What is introversion?


These learners benefit most from hands-on activities and movement.

What are kinesthetic learners?


This hypothesis, proposed by Krashen, suggests that a high level of motivation can help lower this barrier, facilitating language acquisition.

What is the affective filter hypothesis?


This approach in processing instruction focuses on understanding the overall meaning and context before attending to specific linguistic details.

What is a top-down approach?


Ana, a language learner, is taught strategies to manage her anxiety during speaking activities.

How does the teacher control the affective filter? 


This concept involves making decisions with uncertain outcomes and is linked to second language learning success.

What is risk-taking?


This hypothesis suggests there is an optimal phase for acquiring a language with native-like proficiency.

What is the Critical Period Hypothesis?


This type of motivation is driven by external rewards, such as grades or career advancement.

What is extrinsic motivation?


This hypothesis suggests that learners acquire grammatical structures in a predictable sequence, independent of the order these are taught.

What is the natural order hypothesis?


A language teacher provides explicit instruction on pronunciation and intonation patterns to help students sound more natural when speaking.

How does the teacher appropriate the concept of teachability/learnability?


This cognitive style is characterized by an individual's ability to focus on details and remain self-reliant.

What is field independence?


This process involves adapting to a new culture and is considered crucial for successful second language acquisition according to Schumann's theory.

What is acculturation?


This type of motivation refers to learning a language for personal enjoyment or interest.

What is intrinsic motivation?


This approach in language teaching emphasizes understanding and conveying messages, with less concern for grammatical accuracy.

What is focus on meaning?


In a language classroom, the teacher focuses on teaching grammar rules and verb conjugations through drills and exercises.

How does the teacher employ a focus on forms approach?


These individuals are better at noticing details outside of a prevailing visual field.

What is field dependence?


According to the Affective Filter Hypothesis, these three emotional factors can raise the affective filter, making language acquisition more difficult.

What are anxiety, self-esteem, and motivation?


These four components, including phonemic ability, grammatical sensitivity, rote learning ability, and inductive language learning, are key factors in determining an individual's potential for success in acquiring a second language.

What are the components of language aptitude?


Refers to the response provided by teachers or peers when a learner makes an error in their language production. It aims to help learners correct their mistakes and improve their language accuracy

What is corrective feedback?

Camila is a high school student who recently moved to a new country. She is highly motivated to learn the language of her new environment because she wants to make friends and communicate effectively with her teachers. 

What is integrative motivation?