What does L-S-R-W stand for?
Learn, Speak, Read and Write
What is code-switching?
The practice of alternating between two languages in a conversation.
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Explain.
What is Pragmatics?
How a language is used
Give an example of the Grammar Translation Method
Dr. Stryker’s Portuguese Lesson, High school Language classes, etc.
What does TPR stand for?
Total Physical Response
Which side of your brain is creative, the left or right?
What does EFL and ESL stand for?
English as a Foreign Language and English as a Second Language
Explain the difference between surface structure and deep structure learning.
Surface structure is what you consciously think about before you answer.
Deep structure is what comes second nature to you and does not require thought.
What is another name for the Audio-Lingual Method?
Army Method
What is the Tolerance of Ambiguity?
How well you deal with not understanding what is going on.
People who rely on a group and tend to fulfill the roles within a group when needed are individualistic or collectivists?
Is studying the dictionary a direct method or series method?
Series Method
Which classroom setting is more modern, student centered or teacher centered?
Student Centered
Examples of affective domain are valuing and knowledge. True or False?
Knowledge is cognitive domain
Name the four stages of cultural shock.
HINT: the four H’s
Honeymoon, Horror, Humor, Home
Babies often say “I go-ed” before saying “I went”. This is an example of what language acquisition theory?
Hypothesis Testing
Bob is a granda, and Bob is bald. Therefore, all grandpas are bald. Is this inductive or deductive reasoning?
What is the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator?
A personality test to measure preferences and perceptions of the world.
What is Error Correction?
The process of balancing affective feedback and cognitive feedback, promoting the students attempts to correct production of the L2 language.