German Unification
Italian Unification
American Civil War
Causes Independence in Latinamerica
Mexican Independence movement

Which German state led the unification of Germany in the 19th century



Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi?

was an Italian general, nationalist, and revolutionary who played a crucial role in the unification of Italy. He is best known for his military campaigns that helped unite the Italian peninsula under one kingdom in the South of the Peninsula.


The________________was an executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American Civil War. It declared that all enslaved people in the Confederate states that were in rebellion against the Union were to be set free.

Emancipation Proclamation


The first colony in the Americas to gain independence was __________- Formerly known as Saint-Domingue, it was a French colony.



_____________was a Mexican Roman Catholic priest and a key leader of second stage of the Mexican War of Independence, who wrote Sentimientos de la Nación

Jose Maria Morelos


Prime Minister of Prussia from 1862 to 1890

Otto Von Bismark


Who was the Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia and a key architect of Italian unification through diplomacy and alliances?

Camillo di Cavour


What was one of the main reasons Southern states seceded from the Union?

Fear that the election of Abraham Lincoln would lead to the abolition of slavery.


How did Napoleon's invasion of Spain in 1808 contribute to the independence movements in Spanish colonies in Latin America?

It weakened Spain's control over the colonies by overthrowing the Spanish king, creating a power vacuum.


The Mexican War of Independence formally ended in 1821 with the signing of which treaty?

Treaty of Cordoba


It was an important but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to unify the fragmented German states into a single nation with a constitution and representative government.

Frankfurt Assembly


Which contry supported the state of Piedmont-Sardinia fight against Austria for the the liberation of northern Italian territories from Austrian control?

Kingdom of France


What is the name of the ideology from the Confederate stated that justified slavery?

White Supremacy


Social group within colonial societies in Latinamerica who were the key leaders and supporters of the independence movements, seeking greater political and economic power.



The _______________ was the military force that played a crucial role in the final phase of the Mexican War of Independence. It was established in 1821 by Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero as part of the Plan of Iguala, which outlined the terms for Mexican independence from Spain.

Ejercito Trigarante


Which war played a key role in convincing the southern German states to join the North German Confederation, leading to full unification?

Franco-Prussian War

Which two Italian states from the North were under the control of Austria before the Unification?

Lombardy and Venice


How did the Civil War impact the economy of the South?

It left the Southern economy devastated, with widespread destruction of property and resources.


Which effect did the Bourbon Reforms had in the colonies?

The reforms alienated the criollos by excluding them from important political and administrative positions, which in turn made them very upset and motivated them to fight for independence.


Why did the First Stage of Mexican Independence fail?

Lack of organization and military strategy and divisions among rebels


What event in 1871 marked the official unification of Germany?

The Proclamation of the German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles


When was Rome officially incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy, completing the unification process?



Which was the key economic difference between the Union and the Confederacy during the Civil War?

The Union was primarily industrial, while the Confederacy's economy was based on agriculture and slavery.


Name 4 colonies the Spanish had in America by 1800

Viceroyalty of Nueva España, Viceroyalty of Rio de la PLata, Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada, Viceroyalty of Alto Perú


__________________, a former royalist commander, had been fighting to suppress the independence movement. However, by early 1821, he shifted his position, realizing that continued Spanish control was unsustainable, and he sought to create a plan that would unite different factions in Mexico under a new independent government.

Agustin de Iturbide