Text Structure
Main Idea
Context Clues
Author's Purpose

What is text structure?

Text structure is the way an author organizes thoughts and ideas in a text.


What is main idea?

Main idea is what the text is mostly about.

What is summary?

Summary is a short recap of the text.


What are context clues?

Context clues are hints that readers can use to determine the meaning of unknown words.


What is author's purpose?

Author's purpose is the reason why an author writes something.


How do you determine text structure?

Preview/read the text, look for clue/signal words.


What are supporting details?

Supporting details support and help describe the main idea.


What are the 5 W's?

Who, what, when, where, why.


My little brother decided to assist me with my chores. He was determined to be helpful. I couldn't help but smile as he tried to sweep the floor with a mop.

What does "assist" mean?

Assist means help, aid, lend a hand.


What does PIE stand for?

PIE stands for Persuade, Inform, Entertain.


What are the 5 main types of text structure?

Description, cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, sequence.

What are 2 things that can help you find main idea?

Topic, first and last sentences, repeated words, title.


Why do we summarize?

We summarize to focus on the main points of the text and to help us understand what we're reading better.


The diligent student studied every night and completed all his homework. His hard work and determination paid off as he succeeded throughout the school year.

What does "diligent" mean?

Diligent means hardworking, determined, persistent.


What is the author's purpose for writing the following passage?

The giant panda is a bear-like animal that has thick white fur with black markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. The giant panda feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China.

The author's purpose is to inform.


Pick a text structure -- what are 2 signal/clue words?

Description -- examples, features

Cause and Effect -- because, as a result

Problem and Solution -- problem, to solve

Compare and Contrast -- both, different

Sequence -- dates, first


What is the main idea of the following passage?

Do all breakfasts look the same? In Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, soup is the most popular choice. In the Philippines, people like garlic fried rice and pickles for breakfast. In Holland, most people love bread sprinkled with chocolate, and in Ireland, flatbread cut into triangles, called farls, are the breakfast of choice.

The main idea is breakfast can be different depending on where you live.


The article “The Three Men Who Invented the Telephone” is about three different men who contributed to the invention of the telephone. Which of the following should you include in a summary of this article?

A. details about how smartphones and cell phones work

B. a detail about where the phrase “put someone on hold” came from

C. a brief explanation of how each man was involved in the invention of the telephone

D. your opinion about who really invented the telephone 

C. a brief explanation of how each man was involved in the invention of the telephone


The student raised her hand to inquire about the science experiment. She questioned her teacher about the best ways to collect data.

What does "inquire" mean?

Inquire means question, ask, find out.


Which one of these is most likely written to entertain?

A. a short story about a little boy

B. a textbook of English literature

C. a cookbook of vegetarian recipes

D. a notebook of a sixth-grader

A. a short story about a little boy


Which text structure is used in the following passage?

Many students in the US say that they've been bullied at school. Natalie Hampton is a high school student who was bullied a lot in middle school. She often had no one to sit with at lunch, so she created a phone app called "Sit With Us." This app lets students sign up and post when there are free seats at their lunch tables.

Problem and Solution


What is 1 supporting detail for the main idea of the following passage?

California may be known to most for its beautiful weather, sandy beaches, and for movie-making in Hollywood, but it is also the birthplace for many unique inventions. These include skateboarding, windsurfing, popsicles, peanut butter, Frisbees, the Candyland game, Bullwinkle the cartoon character, and more!

The main idea is California is home to many inventions.

An example of a supporting detail is that peanut butter was invented in California.


Write a brief summary for the following passage.

Yesterday, at Central Elementary in Oakville, Ms. Thompson's fifth-grade class had a surprise visitor. The visitor was local firefighter, Captain Martinez, who talked about fire safety. He explained the importance of having a fire escape plan and checking smoke detectors regularly. The students had a chance to ask questions and even try on some of the firefighting gear. This visit not only taught students valuable safety tips but also sparked their curiosity about community heroes and how they keep everyone safe.

Who: Captain Martinez

What: Gave a talk about fire safety to a fifth-grade class

When: Yesterday

Where: Central Elementary

Why: To educate students about fire safety


Sarah felt apprehensive before her first solo performance on the stage. Her stomach fluttered with nervousness as the spotlight shone on her.

What does "apprehensive" mean?

Apprehensive means nervous, anxious, uneasy.


Sam's teacher asks him to write an essay on why recess should be longer.

What is Sam's purpose in writing this essay?

Sam's purpose is to persuade his teacher to make recess longer.