Period 6
Period 7
Period 8
Period 8/9

Two regions in Europe where "New Immigrants" arrived from after the Civil War

What are Southern and Eastern Europe?


The international organization created after World War I proposed by Wilson that the U.S. never joined

What is the League of Nations?


The term that characterized American foreign policy during the Cold War

What is containment?


The law passed after 9/11 to increase security measures to root out terrorists

What is the PATRIOT Act?


The belief that if one nation fell to communism then the rest would follow

What is domino theory?


The idea that the wealthy had earned their money and if someone was poor it was their own fault.

What is social darwinism?


The government program to end the Great Depression which created Social Security, the FDIC, and other programs

What is the New Deal?


LBJ's domestic program that sought to end poverty and discrimination and wanted to fund gov programs like Medicare and Medicaid

What is the Great Society?


The act that gave LBJ power to wage war in Vietnam without a declaration of war

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?


The Supreme Court decision that argued that the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during WWII was justified by national security threats

What is Korematsu v. U.S.?


The term for the industrialization of the South after Reconstruction

What is the New South?


The term coined by TR to describe journalists who exposed the ills of society to push for reform

What is a muckraker?


The book written by Betty Friedan in 1963 that argued women should be given more opportunities and sparked the 2nd wave feminist movement.

What is the Feminine Mystique?


The economic policy of the 40th president which suggested low taxes and large cuts to government social programs

What is Reaganomics/trickle down economics?


The person who coined the term Gilded Age to represent the corruption of the United States internally.

Who is Mark Twain?


Act which gave Native Americans 160 acres of land to promote assimilation

What is the Dawes Act?


The movement of Black people to the North where they were seeking reprieve from Southern racism and better paying jobs in factories

What is the Great Migration?


The event in Arkansas where Eisenhower sent in the National Guard to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education decision to integrate schools

What is the Little Rock 9?


The war fought between a coalition led by the United States and Iraq to free Kuwait from Iraqi invaders

What is the Persian Gulf War?

The event that sparked the Gay Rights Movement.

What is the Stonewall Riots?


This law outlawed monopolies and allowed the government to break up companies that restricted free trade; not very successful

What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?


The four territories the US gained (at least temporary control) after the Spanish-American War (must get all 4)

What is Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba?


The relaxation of tensions between the US and USSR under Nixon's presidency

What is detente?


The scandal during Reagan's presidency where officials gave funds to a rebel group in Nicaragua with money from illegally sold firearms to a Middle Eastern country

What is the Iran-Contra Scandal?


The 2015 Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage in the United States

What is Obergefell v. Hodges?