Meaning & Tone
Text Structure
Sentence Patterns
Evaluate Arguments

The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis has been postponed while NASA evaluates a problem with the new robot arm on space station Alpha. The arm will be used to carry out the installation of a new U.S.-built airlock on the space station. 

What can you infer from this paragraph?
 A. The robot space arm is critical to the space shuttle's mission.
 B. The space shuttle experiences frequent launch delays.
 C. The robot arm was poorly constructed.
 D. The space program is very expensive.

A. The robot space arm is critical to the space shuttle's mission.


The year is 2020. You've just graduated from a highly-ranked virtual university. You had the opportunity to take e-learning classes from great professors and world leaders in government and business. It's cool to be smart—and even cooler to really understand technology. Almost all the good jobs today involve science, engineering, and technology. And there is such a demand for workers with your skills that you can choose from thousands of jobs. Many of these jobs have high starting salaries and perks like your own pet robot, a new convertible astromobile, or monthly online shopping allowances.

What is the mood of this passage?
 A. dreary, depressed
 B. expectant, confident
 C. anxious, fearful
 D. expectant, frightened

B. expectant, confident


When the city council announced plans for the construction of a new five-lane highway, many local people decided to sell their residences and relocate.

The organization of the sentence above is

 A. definition.
B. cause and effect.
 C. sequence.
 D. compare and contrast.

B. cause and effect.


This book doesn't make sense to me, I didn't read it.

What is wrong with the sentence above?
 A. It is a fragment.
 B. It is missing a verb.
 C. There is nothing wrong with the sentence.
 D. It is a run-on sentence.

D. It is a run-on sentence.

 Africa is facing the worst health crisis in human history. More than 17 million Africans have died from AIDS, and 28 million of the 40 million people worldwide living with HIV live in Africa. What's more, thousands of Africans die of tuberculosis, malaria and other preventable diseases every day. During the past two decades, average life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa has dropped by 15 years.
from an article by Salih Booker

What kind of support does the writer give for the statement that Africa is facing the worst health crisis in human history?

 A. analogy
 B. expert opinion
 C. example
 D. statistics

D. statistics

Tony was delighted to see the pavement disappearing under the attack of the bulldozers. The more field, the better, he thought. His delight gradually turned to concern, however, when it became clear that the construction workers were also laying the forms for new pavement, much more pavement than had been there before.

Which of the following can you infer from the passage above?

 A. Tony was an avid environmentalist.
 B. Tony was in the construction business.
 C. Tony enjoyed spending time in the field.
 D. Tony was a member of the city council.

C. Tony enjoyed spending time in the field.


by A. Gautam

Pluck the berries and the marigolds.

Sweep the path and clear away the thorns.

Today He comes just wait and behold.

Today we meet. Today I am reborn.

What is the tone of the poem?

A. hopeful
 B. somber
 C. comical
 D. powerful

A. hopeful


An ascetic is a person who devotes his or her life to self-discipline. An ascetic does this by living an extremely simple life. For example, an ascetic will deny him or herself normal pleasures of life. What most people cannot live without, like the Internet or television, the ascetic gives up easily.
     Ascetics believe that the mind and body need to change through control. They exercise a control of bodily actions, speech, and thoughts.
     Although some might view asceticism as negative, those who practice it find peace in it. In addition, having a control of one's senses gives a person satisfaction. Ascetics experience a greater peace of mind than the average people.

How does the organizational structure of the passage support the author's purpose?

 A. It arranges facts about ascetics from least to most significant.
 B. It lists a historical development of the practices of ascetics.
 C. It gives arguments to persuade people to become an ascetic.
 D. It gives facts and examples about the idea of an ascetic.

D. It gives facts and examples about the idea of an ascetic.


Kenni likes the view that he gets from the top of the mountain, and he enjoys hiking in the forest.

The sentence above is a

 A. simple sentence.
 B. complex sentence.
 C. compound-complex sentence.
 D. compound sentence.

C. compound-complex sentence.


If Capital Metro wants support for building a mass transit system, it needs to pick a system that has the support of the citizens. That choice is not light rail, but monorail.
      Monorail is faster, safer, and more reliable than light rail. Monorails run on rubber tires and use electricity for power. The operation and maintenance cost of monorail is a fraction of light rail's cost.


What method does the author of this letter use to convince people that monorail is the better choice for transportation?

 A. anecdote
 B. compare and contrast
 C. analogy
 D. cause and effect

B. compare and contrast


What are two reasons people should include root vegetables in a healthy diet?

A. Root vegetables are a common staple and are used by people across all continents.

B. Root vegetables absorb the flavors of the soil and are filled with special nutrients.

C. The root vegetables are rich in minerals, nutrients, and carbohydrates.

D. The greens of the turnip, the portion that grows above ground, are edible, but many people find them bitter.

E. Root vegetables can be eaten raw, ripe, mashed, smoked, baked, or fried.

B. Root vegetables absorb the flavors of the soil and are filled with special nutrients.

C. The root vegetables are rich in minerals, nutrients, and carbohydrates.


My sister was in the middle of a book series. However, she wasn't able to find the next book in the series. She'd looked at several libraries already, but wasn't going to give up. She didn't want to skip a book in the series and was determined to continue her search.

A. informal
 B. scholarly
 C. formal
 D. serious

A. informal


Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)

    DDT was discovered to fight insects that carried diseases like malaria. It started being used widely in 1939 because of a Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Muller. Muller noted that DDT was an effective pesticide. The discovery earned Muller a Nobel Prize. DDT became so popular that more than one billion pounds of DDT was used in the U.S. However, people did not think much about its effect on the environment at that time. Not only was DDT dangerous to birds, it also disturbed the food chain in wildlife. Even human beings experienced health issues because of DDT. When Rachel Carson called attention to the effect of DDT with her work Silent Spring, people started becoming concerned. The use of DDT declined. Eventually, it was banned in the U.S. in 1972.

The author organizes this passage by showing

 A. the different types of pesticides that fall under the category of DDT.
 B. the reason DDT was developed and its effect on the environment.
 C. the examples of the way DDT was used to define the idea of DDT
 D. the similarities and differences between DDT and other pesticides.

B. the reason DDT was developed and its effect on the environment.


Identify the sentence that is written correctly.
 A. Unless, Christine finishes her calculus homework, she will have to suffer, Mr. Nguyen's wrath in class tomorrow.
 B. Unless Christine, finishes her calculus homework, she will have to suffer Mr. Nguyen's wrath, in class tomorrow.
 C. Unless Christine finishes her calculus homework she will have to suffer Mr. Nguyen's wrath in class tomorrow.
 D. Unless Christine finishes her calculus homework, she will have to suffer Mr. Nguyen's wrath in class tomorrow.

D. Unless Christine finishes her calculus homework, she will have to suffer Mr. Nguyen's wrath in class tomorrow.


Dear Editor,

     After reading the May 28 article about the city doing away with summer children's activities, I had to respond. As clinical director of the Austin Child Guidance Center, I have worked in the St. John's neighborhood for a number of years. Our organization provides mental health services. Also, each summer, we provide a summer camp experience for between 40 and 60 youths in this neighborhood. Unfortunately, each year, funding for these activities has decreased.
      This year the city has managed to raise enough money to continue some summer camp activities for 32 St. John's children. Next year, funding for these summer activities will almost certainly be eliminated. Without adequate public support for positive neighborhood children's activities, our children will continue to remain at risk.

Clinical Director
Austin Child Guidance Center

What is the main point the letter writer is trying to make?

 A. Fewer children attend the summer camps each year.
 B. The city can no longer afford to sponsor summer activities for children.
 C. Summer camps for children do not have a positive effect.
 D. The city should find a way to fund continued summer programs for children.

D. The city should find a way to fund continued summer programs for children.

 Allergic reactions to three native American plants—poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac, all members of the plant genus Toxicodendron—have been sources of misery for many centuries. Native Americans warned the early settlers about the ill effects of these plants, and Captain John Smith described them in his journal, thus making the first report of an allergic disease in America.

What can the reader infer from this paragraph?

 A. Captain John Smith is known as a great physician.
 B. Many native American plants cause very uncomfortable allergic reactions.
 C. A cure for poison ivy is being developed.
 D. Poison ivy killed entire tribes of Native Americans.

B. Many native American plants cause very uncomfortable allergic reactions.


Half Full

A rainy day will go away.

A failing grade can soon be raised.

A nasty cut in time will shut.

A dire year will disappear.

What word below best describes the tone of this poem?

A. optimistic
 B. melancholic
 C. powerful
 D. cynical

A. optimistic


Hydrogen was added to oils like vegetable oil to increase the shelf life of foods. However, because the combination is not natural, it contributed to a rise in bad cholesterol. In turn, the risk of heart disease increased in people.
     The use of trans fat or unsaturated fat, commonly found in fast food such as french fries, also resulted in a rise of heart diseases among people. In fact, trans fats are not an essential part of the food group. Hence, limiting fast food, and in turn, trans fats, adds years to one's life.

The passage is organized using the structure of

 A. definition.
 B. classification.
 C. compare/contrast.
 D. cause/effect.

D. cause/effect.

(1) Unlike cavemen thousands of years ago, people today eat many whole grain foods. (2) Like bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. (3) Fruits and vegetables are also an important part of people's diets today. (4) Vegetables are an excellent source of nutrition.

Which sentence above is a fragment?

 A. sentence 2
 B. sentence 3
 C. sentence 1
 D. sentence 4

A. sentence 2


Dear Editor,

     After reading the May 28 article about the city doing away with summer children's activities, I had to respond. As clinical director of the Austin Child Guidance Center, I have worked in the St. John's neighborhood for a number of years. Our organization provides mental health services. Also, each summer, we provide a summer camp experience for between 40 and 60 youths in this neighborhood. Unfortunately, each year, funding for these activities has decreased.
      This year the city has managed to raise enough money to continue some summer camp activities for 32 St. John's children. Next year, funding for these summer activities will almost certainly be eliminated. Without adequate public support for positive neighborhood children's activities, our children will continue to remain at risk.

Clinical Director
Austin Child Guidance Center

Which piece of advice should Mr. Hastie follow to make his letter more convincing?

 A. Suggest alternate activities to replace the summer camp.
 B. Write about the other problems that the city faces.
 C. State the opposing viewpoint and explain why it is wrong.
 D. Describe the children's activities in detail.

C. State the opposing viewpoint and explain why it is wrong.


The Brain Stem

     The brain is a large and extremely complex organ. Different parts of the brain perform different functions. Scientists believe that different parts of the brain developed at different points in human history. One important section of the brain, the brain stem, controls some of the body's most important functions. For instance, the brain stem controls breathing, heart rate, swallowing, and some aspects of speech. Because the brain stem is in charge of such important functions, scientists think it was one of the first parts of the brain to evolve. The brain stem is located at the base of the brain, at the top of the spinal cord. It is made up of three parts: the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla. Six different arteries bring blood to the brain stem. If any of these arteries becomes blocked, a stroke or other life-threatening problem is possible.

What can the reader infer from this passage?

 A. The arteries of the brain stem are often blocked.
 B. The brain stem is in the middle of the human brain.
 C. The brain stem provides blood to the whole brain.
 D. The brain stem is crucial to life for human beings.

D. The brain stem is crucial to life for human beings.

Effie tried to scream, but no sound came from her throat. She recoiled a step from the window. When the girl regained sufficient courage to look out again, the man was gone.

The mood of this passage is best described as

 A. boastful.
 B. defiant.
 C. excited.
 D. suspenseful.

D. suspenseful.

 There were several countries involved in the Vietnam War. However, the level of military involvement varied from country to country. For example, while France was pulling troops out of Vietnam, American soldiers were landing in Saigon at an ever-increasing rate.

The paragraph organization, or structure, of the selection above is

 A. cause and effect.
 B. sequence.
 C. compare and contrast.
 D. definition.

C. compare and contrast.


Neil is a great singer. Neil is a great dancer. Also, Neil is a nice guy.

Choose the best way to combine the three sentences above.
 A. Neil is a great singer, dancer, and also a nice guy.
 B. Neil is a great singer and dancer, and he is also a nice guy.
 C. Neil is a great singer, a great dancer, and he is also a nice guy.
 D. Neil is a great singer, and he is a great dancer and also a nice guy.

B. Neil is a great singer and dancer, and he is also a nice guy.


Benefits of Frozen Food

     In today's fast-paced life, having a freshly cooked meal every day may not be practical. To deal with this problem, people have the option of frozen food. Freezing is a good way to preserve the taste and color of most foods. Freezing stops microbes, which are small microorganisms, from growing on the food, and helps to keep food fresher for a prolonged period.
     Frozen foods are also useful because supermarkets can store them for a long time, so one can buy frozen fruits and vegetables all year round, without seasonal boundaries. Furthermore, frozen foods make cooking much easier and quicker, because most frozen foods are already half-cooked, chopped, or cut. These half-cooked frozen foods often contain a lot of preservatives such as salt and sugar, which are bad for health. But, they also help make life simpler for those who do not have the time to cook food from scratch. For example, a frozen apple pie is already put together—all one has to do is bake it.
     At home, people can cook a number of dishes when they have the time. In fact, there is no comparison to a delicious, hot meal cooked at home with the freshest ingredients. However, frozen foods can be stored for several weeks or months, making them the best choice if one wants to have meals that are instantly ready for consumption.

Which evidence supports the author's point that frozen food is the best option for a fast-paced life?

 A. Frozen fruits and vegetables are available all year round in supermarkets.
 B. Frozen foods can be stored for a long time without damage.
 C. Some frozen foods are already half-cooked, which saves time in cooking.
 D. Freezing food prevents microbes from growing on it.

C. Some frozen foods are already half-cooked, which saves time in cooking.