Solving Problems 1
Solving Problems 2
Making a Plan
Taking Responsibility for your Actions
Dealing with Peer Pressure

Before you even try to solve a problem what do you need to do first? 

Calm Down


What are the last 3 problem solving steps?

T- Think of solutions

E- Explore consequences

P- Pick best solution


Why is it important to make plans?

it helps you figure out how to make something happen and to help you break down a big task into smaller parts


What does it mean to make amends?

doing something to make up for something you did


Trying to talk a friend into doing something they shouldn't do

peer pressure


What is the 1st problem solving step?

S- say the problem


What is the one thing you ask yourself when exploring consequences?

What could happen?


Why is it sometimes difficult to carry out a plan?

Trouble getting help from others, don't have enough time, you make it too difficult/complicated


Why is it important to take responsibility for your actions?

it is the respectful thing to do, keeps friends, being a honest person, avoiding conflicts, shows good character


Is it fair to pressure someone to do something they don't want to do?


Why is it important to state the problem in a way that doesn't blame others?

Blaming is not respectful and it is hard to come up with a situation when people are angry and feel blamed

When thinking of solutions the 2 most important things to remember are that they need to be.....

Safe and respectful


What are the 4 things to help you make a good plan?

1. order makes sense

2. enough time to do it

3. too complicated

4. realistic


When might someone not accept an apology?

they are still angry, need more time to calm down, don't believe that it is sincere, other person doesn't change their behavior/try to make amends


When is peer pressure an issue?

when others try to get you do something that is not safe, respectful, or cause bad consequences.